BEGIN OF UPDATEDescription The report delivers technical documentation on the PersonnelAdministration (PA) infotypes and subtypes in the system. Selection screen: In the selection screen, you can restrict the selection to infotypenames and short descriptions as well as to the status for a key date inthe past. In addition, you can use a checkbox to restrict the analysis to theinfotypes or subtypes for which at least one transaction date exists. Ifthis restriction is used, it is mandatory to select the checkbox for the(performance-intensive) determination of the number of data records perinfotype and subtype. In the "Display Options" screen area, you can create a separate listtitle in accordance with the solution described in SAP Note 910490 andwith the preselection of the desired list layout. Results display: Results are displayed using an ALV tree. The "Report Header Data" node provides documentation on the reportenvironment. The "Report Statistics" node contains statistics relating to the hitsmade. The result of the selection appears beneath the "Infotypes Determined"node. By double-clicking the infotype definition or the table names in thelist, you can navigate to the detail view. Authorization concept: Use of this report requires authorization to start the transactioncalled and authorization to display the basis audit (object S_ADMI_FCD:S_ADMI_FCD='AUDD'). To be able to navigate to the infotype detail view, you need tabledisplay authorization for the view V_T582A (object S_TABU_DIS: ACTVT: 03| DICBERCLS: 'PC'). Users without this authorization cannot analyze thetransaction data for an infotype (such as counting). To be able to navigate from the table name to the dictionary, you needauthorization to start transaction SE11 as well as authorization todisplay the table definition (S_DEVELOP). |