SAP Program RPCZVKD2 - Supplementary Pension: Public Sector - Contribution Statement

With this report, you can create a list of SP-relevant payroll results.The report also takes into account differences from previous periodsthat are the result of a retroactive accounting run.
In the Wage type variant fiels, you can select differentvariants of the list. These are stored in table T5D5R ( PSGSupplementary Pension:Customizing Contribution Statement ). Both'finished' wage types and new wage types can be calculated from theexisting wage types. The following syntax is permitted in theMathematical description column of table T5D5R:

  • The following operands are possible:

  • Wage types with a leading oblique (/)
    Constants (decimal numbers)
    Variables used in the program
    • The calculation types +, -, *, / are permitted as operations as well as
    • > (maximum) and < (minimum).
      • Operands and operations must occur alternately and be separated by a
      • space. They are processed sequentially from left to right (without theusual priority of * and / before + and -). Parentheses are notpermitted.

        The basis for the additional contribution is:
        /282 + /283 + /284 - t5d5c-gbat1 > 0.00