Purpose This report displays the Original tax form details of an employee alongwith the respective amended details. You use this report to compare theamended details with the original details. Prerequisites You must have generated both the original and amended tax forms byexecuting Year End Reporting, Canada report RPCYERK0>for the period under consideration. The system reads the output detailsof the report and displays the same in the output screen here.Activities You can access the report through transaction PC00_M07_YEAM. On the selection screen, enter the Run ID of the amendment report in theRun ID> field. &NOTE&> The system displays the information for all the Personnel Numbers withinthis Run ID. In case you want to further filter the personnel numbersfor which the system must display the information, enter those personnelnumbers in the Personnel Number> field. Select the Changed Boxes only> indicator, in case you want thesystem to pick only the information that are amended. To execute the report, select Program> -> Execute>. YE Amendment Reason report, Canada> output screen appears. On the output screen, the report displays:
- Amendment Run ID
- Personnel Number
- Last Filed Run ID
- Form sequence number
- Description of the field
- Value of the field after amendment
- Value of the field before amendment