Description The YER TemSe file administration> utility enables you to performtwo administrative functions for TemSe files generated by the Year EndReporting utility.Precondition Year End Reporting TemSe files must be present within your system. Thenaming convention for these files is HR_YER*>.Output Using this utility, you may extend the expiration date of any number ofYER TemSe files that your system has generated. Alternatively, you mayalso use this utility to delete any number of YER TemSe files fromsystem memory. To extend the expiration date of any YER TemSe file(s), select thecorresponding checkbox(es), then select Extend expiration>. Onthe subsequent dialog box, enter the new date of expiration for the(se)TemSe file(s), then select Execute>. The utility will alter theexpiration date(s) accordingly. To delete any number of YER TemSe files from system memory, select thecorresponding checkbox(es), then select Delete record>. On thesubsequent dialog box, select Yes> in order to delete allselected files. The utility will delete the YER TemSe filesaccordingly.Note To comply with storage regulations established by the Canada Customsand Revenue Agency, it is crucial> for your enterprise to ensurethat all Year End Reporting TemSe files remain in system memory for afull seven years> following their generation. Please consult with Basis administrators to ensure that Year EndReporting TemSe files, unlike conventional TemSe files, are not deleted90 days after their generation. For example, if YER TemSe fileHR_YERT4A_0000000297> is generated on February 1, 2001, then itshould remain in system memory until January 31, 2008. However, if yoursystem is not appropriately configured by Basis administrators, then itmay inadvertently delete this YER TemSe file on May 1, 2001, ratherthan January 31, 2008. |