Title Year End Reporting, Canada: Magnetic Media Filing in XML format> The Magnetic Media Filing utility allows your enterprise to generatesubmissions of Year End data in XML format for reporting to the CanadaRevenue Agency (CRA). The resultant XML file(s) can be stored oncustomary storage media, such as diskettes or CD-ROM, which are in turnsubmitted to the appropriate authorities. Magnetic Media Filing in XML format is supported for the following threeYear End forms: T4> - Statement of Remuneration Paid T4A> - Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity and OtherIncome T4A-NR> - Statement of Fees, Commissions or Other Amounts Paid to Non-Residents for Services Rendered in CanadaRequirements Before initiating Magnetic Media Filing, your enterprise must meet thefollowing requirements. You must meet the criteria described under Requirements> in thedocumentation of the Year End Reporting utility>. You are required to have generated Run IDs for the selected tax year,Tax Reporting Unit, and Year End form. These Run IDs are generated bythe Year End Reporting utility and subsequently stored in the Year EndReporting History Log. To access that log, select the Show runhistory> function button in the Run parameters> section of YearEnd Reporting. You have downloaded the XML schema(s) from the CRA website.Activities In the Selection> section: Specify the tax year for which your enterprise need to generate thesubmission. Specify the Run ID(s) that you wish to use to generate Magnetic Mediasubmissions. It is possible to generate submissions for different taxforms - for example, T4 and T4A or T4, T4A and T4A-NR - within the sameXML file. You are therefore at liberty to specify a combination of RunIDs that were generated for different tax forms. You are equally able tospecify Run IDs that were generated for an Original> form, or foran Amended> form. However, you cannot submit data for bothOriginal and Amended forms within the same file. For this purpose, youmust run this utility twice - that is, once for Original submissions,and once for Amended submissions. Specify whether you are running the report in Test mode> orProduction mode>. By running the report in the latter mode, youinstruct the utility to set the status of the specified Run IDs to22>. (This status code indicates that a Magnetic Media file thatis ready for submission has been generated for the Run ID.) Please notethat you should select only Production> Run IDs when you run theutility in Production> mode. (In other words, do not attempt touse test runs to generate Magnetic Media files that are ready forsubmission.) For additional information, consult documentation for theTest run> option. In the XML schema upload options> section, specify the path fromwhich the system shall read the XML schema file. The following optionsare available; to choose the option you wish, select the correspondingradio button. You can upload the schema from the Presentation server> (that is,the frontend). With this option, you instruct the system to read the XMLschema file either from your own computer or from any other file serveron your Local Area Network>. Alternatively, you can upload the schema from the Application server > of your mySAP ERP HCM system. In the XML file download options> section, specify the path towhich the system shall store the XML files it generates. The followingoptions are available; to choose the option you wish, select thecorresponding radio button. You can download the file to the Presentation server> (that is,the frontend). With this option, you can store the file either on yourown computer or on any other file server on your Local Area Network >. Alternatively, you can download the file on the Application server > of your mySAP ERP HCM system. In the Type of data> section, you specify: Type of data> In the Transmitter data> section, you specify: Transmitter data> In the Proprietor data> section, you specify: Proprietor data> In the Acct. contact data> section, you specify: Accounting contact> Once you have entered this data, we recommend that you save your entriesas a variant by selecting Goto> -> Variants> -> Save asvariant...> By doing so, you will eliminate the need to re-enter thisdata every time your enterprise executes Magnetic Media Filing.Output Upon execution, the utility will generate an XML file using the paththat you specified among the selection parameters above. In addition to XML file generation, this utility also performsvalidation of the XML file(s) generated in relation to the XML schema.
- If you run this utility in the foreground, then XML file validation is
performed automatically. For an overview of the validation process,consult the corresponding program documentation >.
- If you run this utility in the background, then you must subsequently
initiate XML file validation manually. To this end, choose ValidateXML file> from the application toolbar, then initiate XML filevalidation as instructed in the programdocumentation>. Finally, if you elect to do so, you are at liberty to display a summaryof total reported amounts (at Business Number level) within the reportoutput. (The amounts displayed here are equivalent to the amounts thatare reported within the Summary> section of the XML file.) Todisplay this summary, choose Business Number summary> from theapplication toolbar of the report output.
- Note>
For background processing, the same summary will be sent to spool inlist format.