Description Using this report, contribution groups - technical and functional -which are maintained in Table T5A1B (SI contribution groups), in TablesT5A1I (Assign Technical Contribution Groups to Functional ContributionGroups) and T5A1J (Texts to contribution groups), are copied. Beforethe contribution groups are accepted, the dataset in Table T5A1B, usingthe SI groups and SI institutions, is aggregated, in other words, noduplicated contribution groups for the Federal States. When data isenterd in Table T5A1B the contribution groups are provided with astandard text- ID of the technical contribution groups. You insert the data using clients. After the data has been copied, thetexts about the contribution groups can be processed in Table T5A1J. If Table T5A1B is not filled, a message is issued which says that thetable should be filled. If the program finds no information about theUpgrade Version, it terminates likewise with a message. In this case,there is a general problem. Prerequisite Table T5A1B must be maintained. Output The filled tables T5A1I and T5A1J Example Description |