Title Create Dataset for Actuarial Interface Purpose With report RPCWVSD1, you create a dataset for each personnel number.This dataset describes the status of the pension entitlement on abalance sheet key date. This dataset can be used as the basis for thecreation of the actuarial interface. Prerequisites For a balance sheet key date, report RPCWVSD1 writes personal data totable P01CVH, entitlement data to table P01CVD, and pension data totable P01CVR. With the transfer report RPCAVTD0, you can extract alldata that is relevant for the actuarial interface from the dataset andwrite it to a sequential data file. The data structure for yourinterface must be declared in the Data Dictionary and assigned to thebenefits provider using view V_5DC3_A. Before you create the dataset with report RPCWVSD1, all fields for theinterface must be included in the standard dataset for tables P01CVH,P01CVD and P01CVR. If this is not the case, you must insert a field ina customer include structure CI_P01CVH, CI_P01CVD or CI_P01CVR for thecorresponding table. You can then use the customer exitEXIT_RPCWEXIT_310 for enhancement P01ABAV7 to fill the field accordingto your requirements. Compensated entitlements You can use feature DWVMT to manage the entitlements that have beencompensated. The last personnel action from the inventory key date isused to determine whether or not an entitlement must be determined. Individual day for balance sheet key date Feature DWCBS enables you to assign the balance sheet key date to abenefits provider. If the 'Individual balance sheet key date' is notflagged in table T5DC5, the dataset is only created for benefitsproviders if the balance sheet key date matches the key date fromfeature DWCBS. Inventory key date This key date defines the time limit to which the CPS-relevant data canbe evaluated. Data for which the validity start date is after theinventory key date is not taken into account. Valuation key date The status of the current entitlements is calculated on the valuationkey date. Data model The current status of the entitlements and pensions is stored in threetransparent tables by report RPCWVSD1. Table P01CVH contains employee date, for example, personal data Table P01CVD contains entitlement date. Current entitlements and vestedentitlements are stored. Table P01CVR contains pension data. The system differentiates betweenindividual pensions and surviving dependants' pensions. The key fields for all three tables are as follows: 'Reason for Creation of Interface Data'. This field enables you todifferentiate, for example, between the creation of an annual datasetas the basis for reserve calculations and the creation of a data basisfor valuation of a company if it is devolved. The balance sheet key date is given on the selection screen of thereport. This is the date for which a financial statement is created foran enterprise. Report RPCWVSD1 uses the balance sheet key date to fillthe 'Notification status for actuarial interface' field in the newdataset. The system differentiates between 'new notifications', 'changenotifications', and 'non-relevant notifications'. New notifications arein the dataset for the first time, change notifications were already inthe dataset on the last balance sheet key date, and non-relevantnotifications were in the last dataset but they were no longer includedon the balance sheet key date of the current dataset. The entitlementis, however, carried over in a different record (for example, theconversion of a current entitlement to an individual pension).Non-relevant notifications for the previous balance sheet key date areno longer included in the dataset. All data is created for each benefits provider. As well as the personnel number, the 'Identification key for person' isnecessary to group together persons for an original entitlement. Forexample, surviving dependants' pensions for a testator can be groupedtogether using this key criterion. The 'Identification key for person'is filled with the personnel number by report ROCWVSD1. To fill thisfield according to your requirements, use customer exitEXIT_RPCWEXIT_300 for enhancement P01ABAV7. The 'Benefit type' shows whether entitlements, vested entitlements,individual pensions or surviving dependants' pensions exist. The dataset in tables P01CVD and P01CVR is also stored for eachentitlement. Status administration The permissibility of individual records in the dataset for subsequenttransfer is controlled using the 'Processing status for interfacedata'.The standard system contains the following statuses: NEW: Report RPCWVSD1 generally creates data records with the processingstatus 'New'. Records with the status 'New' can be set up directly inthe interface by the transfer report RPCAVTD0. Records with the status'New' can be cancelled, in other words, when RPCWVSD1 is started again,the old data record is overwritten by the new data record. TRANSFERRED: If data records have already been transferred in a TemSe file by reportRPCAVTd0, their status is set to 'Transferred'. Transferred records canbe transferred again by report RPCAVTD0. However, the dataset cannot becancelled with report RPCWVSD1 for notifications that have already beentransferred. If you want to create a new dataset for transferrednotifications because the dataset was subsequently found to haveerrors, you must use report RPUAVDD0 to delete the transferred datasetso that you can then create a new dataset. INCORRECT: If the status of the interface data is set to 'Incorrect', this data isnot used in the transfer report. This records is overwritten by a newdata record when the notification creation report is run again. Thestatus 'Incorrect' is not set in the standard system. However, incustomer exit EXIT_RPCWEXIT_310, you can include a consistency checkand set the status to 'Incorrect' yourself. All incorrect data recordscan be displayed with report RPUAVAD0. REJECTED: You can assign the status 'Rejected' to notifications that have beenrejected by the recipient. You do this in report RPUAVAD0. Thenotification and transfer report treats rejected notifications in thesame way as incorrect notifications. TRANSFERRED MANUALLY: You can set the status of incorrect or rejected notifications to'Transferred manually' using report RPUAVAD0 if you have sent the datato the recipient without using the transfer report in the system. NEW WITH WARNING: If notifications have been created without errors but the correspondingdata record for the previous balance sheet key date has a status thatis not 'Transferred', the status is set to 'New with warning'. If youcheck the data and find that this dataset can be set up in theinterface without any problems, you can use report RPUAVAD0 to set thestatus from 'New with warning' to 'New'. If this is not the case, thenotifications are not transferred. Reaction of data creation report to processing status Notifications with the status 'Transferred' or 'Transferred manually'are not overwritten if the report is restarted on the same balancesheet key date (reversal). A warning is displayed. Notifications withall other statuses are overwritten. If the status of the notification for the previous balance sheet keydate is 'Transferred', the current notification is set to 'New'. Forall other statuses, the new notification is assigned the 'New withwarning' status. For all these cases, you must check whether you canset to notifications to 'New'. The transfer report only selects notifications with the status 'New'and 'Transferred'. |