Purpose Using this report, you can select persons for registration with orderegistration from the Health Care Insurance Board. The report is only intended for pension funds and insurers appointed bythe Health Care Insurance Board to withhold sources. Selection In addition to the standard PNP selection fields, you can use thefollowing options: Under Selection>, you can select the requierd Personnelnumber >>and Legal person >or an interval of these. Under Further selection>, you can select the required Infotype andthe required wage type. You can also indicate all of the treatycountries listed by the Health Care Insurance Board. In addition, youcan enter the maximum age for early retirement. This is the maximum ageto be eligible for early retirement prior to payment of pensionbenefits. In the field Subtype of infotype >Addresses > >(0006)>, you can indicate in which subtype/subtypes of theinfotype Addresses the permanent address is saved. Under Other data>, the data is processed in test mode (whenTest mode> is selected) and is not saved to the database. TheEarliest change date> indicates the date from which any changescan be selected. This involves the date on which the change in thesystem is entered into the system, not the date on which the change t akes effect. If, for example, you last ran the program on June 30, July1 (or June 30) depending on the time at which the program was run willserve as the earliest change date. Under Update file year> andUpdate file month>, you should enter the year and the month (as anumber), respectively, of the registration or deregistration updates.Output The log includes a report including the categories Individual-specificmessages, General messages and Statistics. The individual-specificmessages presents an overview of the message texts regarding theregistrations and deregistrations for the Health Care Insurance Boardfile according to personnel number. The general messages comprise areport of message texts including general information about theprogram's use (e.g. whether it was run in test mode). Statistics>includes an overview with the number of selected persons, the number ofpersons processed and the number of registration and deregistrationentries created. If you click the Output list> button, you will display anindividual-specific overview, indicating the reasons for registrations,deregistrations or updates. In accordance with the guidelines of theHealth Care Insurance Board, the following reasons are possible: 00,,No error messaage / Registration in connection with the allocationof a benefit 04,,Benefit to entitled person stopped by source withholder 05,,Moving from a treaty country to the Netherlands or a non-treatycountry 06,,Moving from a treaty country to another treaty country 07,,Registration in connection with a move to a treaty country 08,,Update in connection with a move within the same treaty country 10,,Registration in connection with de-suspended payment (only SVB) If you need to submit additional updates to the Health Care InsuranceBoard or update the reasons, you can start the transactionPC00_M05_UCVZ. |