Purpose Using this report, you can compile payroll data for the transfer filefor the Health Care Insurance Board and/or download the file. The report is only intended for pension funds and insurers appointed bythe Health Care Insurance Board to withhold sources. Prerequisites You should have created the report Health Care Insurance Board:Upload transfer file >(RPCVZUN0>). You should be authorized to make changes in the authorization objectP_NL_LA06.Selection Under "Selections", you can select the required legal person in thefield Legal person>. The field Payroll year> indicates theyear to which the payroll applies. The Payroll period> is thenumber of the payroll period. The Health Care Insurance Boardsequence number> is the alphanumeric code used to order a Health CareInsurance Board file with respect to previously submitted files. Under "Other selection", you can indicate in the field Path> wherethe file must be saved. The Filename> is generated automatically in accordance with theguidelines of the Health Care Insurance Board and comprises the payrolltaxes number, the year, the month (as a number) and a letter. Thefollowing is an example of a filename: 123456789L12.2008.01B.csv. Usingthe option Test mode>, you can indicate whether you want to createthe report in test mode. When this is done, the data is not saved to thedatabase. A TEST file, however, is downloaded. You then have three options:
- Extract only: This means that only data from the payroll will be
- Download only: This means that the file will only be downloaded.
- Extract and download: This means that the data will both be compiled and
downloaded.Output If you choose the option Download >or Extract> anddownload>, the Health Care Insurance Board will be stored at thelocation indicated. The log includes a report including the categories General messages,Statistics and Detailed overview of Health Care Insurance Board amounts.The general messages comprise a report of message texts regarding theextraction and uploading process. Statistics include a number ofselected persons and the number of records changed. The detailedoverview of Health Care Insurance Board amounts consists of individual-l evel data with the relevant Health Care Insurance Act and ExceptionalMedical Expenses Act deductions. If you click the Output list button, you will generate a report for eachperson for which all fields of the Health Care Insurance Board file aredisplayed.