Use this report to generate a list of employees who haveVoluntarily >contributed an amount towards CPF, which is inexcess of the amount permissible for a given calendar year. Note In accordance to the statutory rules, this report is only valid fromthe year 2003 onwards.Features Output When you generate the report, the Employees who have overpaid theVoluntary Contribution> screen appears and it contains the followinginformation:
- Pesonnel numbers> of the employees who have made an excess
Voluntary Contribution >in the selected year
- CPF Account number> of the employee
- CPF Account number> of the employer
- Total amount paid in excess of the Voluntary Contribution> limit
- Excess contribution from the employer
- Excess contribution from the employee
Activities To access the report from the SAP Easy Access> screen, chooseHuman Resource >-> Payroll> -> Asia/Pacific> -> Singapore >-> Subsequent Activities >-> Annual >->Reporting >-> Voluntary CPF Overpaid Report>. Enter the relevant selection criteria. To execute the report, select Program >->Execute>.