Title Employer Insurance Statement Purpose This report can be used to create the employer insurance statement. Youcan enter the name of the Dutch health insurance fund [ziekenfonds] andif necessary the registration number in infotype Social Insurance > (0059) in the fields Health Insurance Company> andRegistration Number>. The latter is printed on the employerinsurance statement.Prerequisites If the employer enters into a work relationship with an employee who iscovered by compulsory health insurance [ziekenfondsverzekerde], for aninitial period of three months or more, the parties involved use anemployer insurance statement. This statement must be created for the following three situations: Start of Insurance The employee informs the employer of the health insurance company withwhich he is or would like to be insured. The employer registers theemployee with the given health insurance company, by means of sendingan employer insurance statement directly to the health insurancecompany. If value 1 (Statutory Contribution ER/EE), 2 (Statutory ContributionEE) or 3 (Statutory Contribution ER) is filled in infotype SocialInsurance> (0059), field HI Indicator>, as a result of a hiringaction, it means that the employee is covered by compulsory healthinsurance. An employer insurance statement will have to be created forthis employee. The report automatically fills the following sections in the statement:
- Employee Data
- Start of Insurance Statement
- Health Insurance Company
- Employer Data (If a P.O. Box address has been created for the employer,
this will be the address used. If not, the standard address is used.) A copy of the employer insurance statement is given to the insuredemployee, who submits this statement to the health insurance companytogether with his registration, if he is not yet registered with thecompany. End of Insurance The same procedure applies to the end of the insurance as to the startof the insurance. No later than in the calendar week after terminationof the work relationship the employer must send an employer insurancestatement directly to the health insurance company with which theemployee is insured. The report automatically fills the followingsections in this statement:
- Employee Data
- End of Insurance Statement
- Health insurance Company
- Employer Data (If a P.O. Box address has been created for the employer,
this will be the address used. If not, the standard address is used.) The employer gives a copy of the employer insurance statement to theemployee. This statement tells the employee that he must inform thehealth insurance company of the termination of the work relationship. In the following cases the employer insurance statement is createdbefore the end of insurance: When the leaving action is executed and when value 1 (StatutoryContribution ER/EE), 2 (Statutory Contribution EE) or 3 (StatutoryContribution ER) is filled in infotype Social Insurance > (0059), field HI Indicator >. If the income threshold is exceeded, in which case the value in thefield HI Indicator> in infotype Social Insurance> (0059)changes to value 0 (=exempt) or 4 (=private). If the health insurance company changes. In this case an employer endof insurance statement is created for the old health insurance companyand an employer start of insurance statement for the new healthinsurance company. Special situations: Parental or long-term leave. In infotype External Agencies NL> (0409) you can enter a leaveperiod for employees insured with GAK. This period is printed on theemployer insurance statement. In the field Primary Insurance Cover > you can indicate that the employee is on leave (options startingwith a K in the F4 help). Precondition is that there must be anexisting insurance. For further information please refer to therelevant field documentation. A notification of unpaid leave is created for employees insured withCADANS if a record to this effect exists in infotype 59 (insured underthe unemployment insurance act [WW] and compulsory health insurance act[ZFW]; not under the sickness benefits act [ZW] and occupationaldisability insurance act [WAO]. The end date for this record should notequal 31.12.9999.