The law, a collective contract, or an individual employment contractdetermines the amount of entitled annual leave. In this case, the leaveyear is the same as the employment year. It begins with the employee'sentry date. According to par. 2 art. 4 of the Leave Entitlement Law[UrlG], the calendar year or another time period (duration = year) canreplace the employment year if determined in an individual agreement. For the evaluation of the leave days to be delimited, you use thecurrent month as a basis. Afterwards, the ancillary payroll costs(municipal taxes, employment period, social insurance contributions)are added. You can store your an employee's leave entitlement in If you store the leave entitlement in If both fields contain entries, the report checks if the leaveentitlement is stored in For detailed information on the settings you must make in order to useabsence quotas, see the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Legally prescribed amount of leave: Preconditions >. You have entered and saved the following data: Data for your personnel subareas Data for your This report requires this data for the fictive calculation ofsupplements for the employer contribution to the family-relatedexpenses fund [FLAF] in case the appropriate wage types are notavailable and FLAF-liability exists. >. The model entries in this subschema are primarily designed for theseverance pay reserve. In many cases you can accept the following modelwage directly: /030 Total of monthly earnings /033 Portion of special payments In most cases you cannot use the model average data wage type /036. Therequirements (check period, wage type selection) for the individualreserves as well as those of the gross valuation differ from eachother. The report takes the valuation bases of the payroll periods in whichthe there is a Key date reserve 12/31/1995 Base determination period 01/25/1996 When a payroll result exists that in the > (in the period 01/1996) for the period of the key date of thereserve (for the period 12/1995) was created, the report determines thevaluation bases from the period 12/1995. If there is no payroll result that was created in the period 01/1996for the period 12/1995, the report uses the payroll results that werecreated in the period 12/1995 for the period 12/1995. Output List header Display variants Explanation of list screen: Example |