SAP Program RPCTXIB0 - List of professional tax scales

Report 'List of professional tax scales' (RPCTXIB0) allows youto list the tax scales stored in the tables 'Monthly salaries -deduction in advance' (T5BTM) for residents and 'Advancedeductions for non-resident people' (T5BTS) for non-residents.
Depending on your selection, you can list the amounts on a monthly,fortnightly, weekly or yearly basis.
Additionally, you can increase the tax scales by entering a percentageor/and a fixed amount (the option is only available for 3 different payintervals).

For employees resident in Belgium, each report line contains:

  • The monthly income,

  • The corresponding annual gross income,

  • The annual net income,

  • The corresponding tax deduction if there are no depdendant children,

  • The tax deductions for families with 1 to 9 dependant children,
  • depending on the value of payroll constant 'Maximum number of childrenat charge' (ST110).
    For non-residents, each report line contains:
    • The monthly income,

    • The corresponding tax deduction for workers,

    • The corresponding tax deduction for administrators,

    • The corresponding tax deduction for retirees.

318363PY-BE: corrections due to euro-conversion