Description Report 'Printing of Belcotax documents' (RPCTXCB0>) allows you tocreate the following tax slips:
- 281.10 for normal incomes,
- 281.11 for retirees,
- 281.13 for unemployment / early retirement benefits,
- 281.14 for replacement incomes,
- 281.18 for substitution income types
- 281.20 for administrators.
To do so, enter the appropriate tax slip identification number (orrange) on the selection screen. The corresponding SAPSscript form foreach tax slip is assigned via table T5B17> (see alsoMaintain Tax Slips> in the IMG). For more information about how to display employee-specific texts onmodified SAPScript forms, see report Annual Preparation of Belcotax ( RPCTXAB0>). The destination address for a 281.xx form is retrieved from infotype0006 if available or from payroll results otherwise.Precondition You can only run this report if you have run report 'Annual preparationof Belcotax' (RPCTXAB0>) successfully.