SAP Program RPCTXCB0 - Printing of Belcotax Documents (obsolete)

Report 'Printing of Belcotax documents' (RPCTXCB0) allows you tocreate the following tax slips:

  • 281.10 for normal incomes,

  • 281.11 for retirees,

  • 281.13 for unemployment / early retirement benefits,

  • 281.14 for replacement incomes,

  • 281.18 for substitution income types

  • 281.20 for administrators.

  • To do so, enter the appropriate tax slip identification number (orrange) on the selection screen. The corresponding SAPSscript form foreach tax slip is assigned via table T5B17 (see alsoMaintain Tax Slips in the IMG).
    For more information about how to display employee-specific texts onmodified SAPScript forms, see report Annual Preparation of Belcotax (
    The destination address for a 281.xx form is retrieved from infotype0006 if available or from payroll results otherwise.

    You can only run this report if you have run report 'Annual preparationof Belcotax' (RPCTXAB0) successfully.