Description This report provides a summary of taxable benefits per employee as theyshould appear on a P11D form. The taxable benefits are divided into four categories:
- Car benefit and car fuel benefit
- Beneficial loans
- Relocation expenses and benefits qualifying for relief
- Other expense payments and benefits
This displays the P11D form for employees' taxable benefits. Thelisting consists of employees who have company car records (infotype0222), beneficial loans and wage types that have been configured astaxable benefits (in evaluation class 11), for example, private medicalinsurance. The form is printed in SAPscript according to the layout for 2000/2001:HR_GBTAXP11D2000. Alternatively, a normal ABAP list output can be used.Precondition You must configure P11D wage types in Payroll customizing for GreatBritain under Basic Settings -> Environment of Wage TypeMaintenance -> Logical Views>. In the step Check Assignment to Wage Type Group>, check that therelevant wage types are assigned to wage type group BEN1>. In the step Check Logical View>, check that the logical view08_BN003 contains the wage type group BEN1>. You can set up the wage types for taxable benefits either:
- In the Customizing step (Check Logical View) by choosing Execute, or
- By following the Customizing path Payroll Great Britain ->
End-of-Year Processing -> Set Up Taxable Benefits Wage Types> For awage type to be recognized as a taxable benefit, you must enter theappropriate value in evaluation class 11. Processing -> Set UpTaxable Benefits Wage Types>. For a wage type to be recognized as a taxable benefit, you must enterthe appropriate value in evaluation class 11. You can choose the following specifications, which correspond to thesections and fields in the P11D form: A1,,Assets transferred: cost/market value A2,,Assets transferred: amount made good or from which tax deducted B,,Payments made on behalf of employee BA Tax on notional payments notborne by employee within 30 days of receipt of each notional payment C1,,Vouchers or credit cards: gross amount C2,,Vouchers or credit cards: amount made good or from which tax isdeducted D,,Living accommodations E1,,Mileage allowance: gross amount E2,,Mileage allowance: amount made good or from which tax deducted EX,,Mileage allowance: both for gross and net amount G,,Vans I1,,Private medical treatment or insurance: cost to employer I2,,Private medical treatment or insurance: amount made good or taxdeducted J,,Qualifying relocation expenses payments and benefits K1,,Services supplied: cost to employer K2,,Services supplied: amount made good or from which tax deducted L1,,Assets placed at employee's disposal: annual value plus expense L2,,Assets placed at employee's disposal: amount made good or taxdeducted M,,Shares NA,,Other items: subscriptions and professional fees: cost to employer NB,,Other items: subscriptions and professional fees: amount made goodor tax deducted NC,,Other items: others: cost to employer ND,,Other items: others: amount made good or from which tax deducted NE,,Other items: income tax paid but not deducted from director'sremuneration OA,,Expenses payments: travelling & subsistence: gross amount OB,,Expenses payments: travelling & subsistence: amount made goodor tax deducted OC,,Expenses payments: entertainment: gross amount OD,,Expenses payments: entertainment: amount made good or tax deducted OE,,Expenses payments: general expenses for allowance for businesstravel: gross amount OF,,Expenses payments: general expenses for business travel: amountmade good or tax deducted OG,,Expenses payments: payments for use of home phone: gross amount OH,,Expenses payments: payments for use of home phone: amount made goodor tax deducted OI,,Expenses payments: non-qualifying. Relocation expenses: grossamount OJ,,Expenses payments: non-qualifying relocation expenses: amount madegood or tax deducted OK,,Expenses payments: other expenses: gross amount OL,,Expenses payments: other expenses: amount made good or tax deducted OX,,Expenses payments: entertainment: for both gross and netActivity From the SAP initial screen, select SAP standard menu -> HumanResources -> Payroll -> Europe -> Great Britain -> SubsequentActivities-> Annual -> End of year -> Taxable benefits. Enter relevant data. Select output type: Output with SAPscript, or Output on screen no SAPscript If required, check the box 'With statistics' Choose Execute You can also run this report in the background, by selecting Program ->Execute in background.