Description The report 'Annual Preparation of Belcotax''> (RPCTXAB0>)is a highly flexible tool that allows you to create the annual Belcotaxdeclaration tape and store it in the Belcotax cluster (CY/WY), asstipulated by the Belgian tax office. Technical Details:>> Data with regard to the processed employee is available in the importparameters of the customer exits EMPLYEE and TAPE_KEY, and informationon the current wagetype in parameter WAGE_TYPE. If you use a modified version of SAPscript form HR_BE_BELGO_xx (where xx= 10,11,13,14,18 or 20) and want to print an additional text or numberanywhere on this form, you can fill in any variablesZT002-EXTRA281-CUSTOM1,... ,ZT002-EXTRA281-CUSTOM5 with the appropriatetext. You can do this in any customer exits (1,4,5 or 6) available inreport Annual preparation of Belcotax (RPCTXAB0). In your modifiedSAPscript form ZR_BE_BELGO_nn (or other), you must then use the samevariable name (for example, ZT002-EXTRA281-CUSTOM1) where you want thetext to appear. You can also use the customer exits to write employee-specific texts inthe comment column of the collective statements 325.xx (xx = 10,11,13 ,14, 18 or 20). In your coding, you are free to fill in text in thefields ZT002-EXTRA325-OBSTXT1, ... OBSTXT4. For form 325.10, you canalso fill ZT002-EXTRA325-OBSTXT5 and -OBSTXT6. If the comment column is filled in by the occurrence of specificwagetypes, we recommend you to use customer exit EXIT_RPCTXAB0_004(executed per wagetype) first to keep track of the texts that apply tothe employee and then to use EXIT_RPCTXAB0_005 (executed once per form)to do the final writing of the necessary text(s) inZT002-EXTRA325-OBSTXT1. Note> If your selection refers to an existing cluster, the correspondingrecords will be overwritten. The different companies and their employees are identified by thecompany tax identification number. See also the relevant steps in the IMG regarding user exits >under Tax Evaluations>.Precondition Make sure the payroll results are available for the income year. |