Purpose This report converts U.S. Tax Reporter data for concurrent employment. Prerequisites Concurrent employment master switch must be on. Features The data conversion consists of two parts: Convert Tax Reporter index table T5UX1. This part fills the central person ID in the field T5UX1-PERSONID. There are two options: Initial run> retrieves the central person ID only for those tableentries where field T5UX1-PERSONID is initial. Rerun> retrieves the central person ID for all table entries andoverwrites the existing field T5UX1-PERSONID. If you run the report in Test> mode, and you select checkboxShow details>, the report displays a list of table T5UX1 entrieswhere T5UX1-PERNR is within the selection range Personnelassignment>. Convert Tax Reporter cluster PCL4 production data. Only production data is converted. The report checks the Tax Reporterbookkeeping table to identify the production data. The followingoptions are available: Backup PCL4> Production data is backed up from standard RELID U1 to the onespecified on selection screen, where RELID is area ID key in clusterPCL4. The selection RELID for backup> contains the second digitof RELID. The first digit is hardcoded as ^>. For example, if selection RELID for backup> is 1, the RELID forbackup will be ^1. Retrieve backup> In this option, the existing production data in RELID U1 is deleted andthe date in backup RELID is copied to U1. Delete backup> The backup data with RELID in selection RELID for backup> isdeleted. Convert PCL4> In a non-concurrent employment situation, Tax Reporter uses thepersonnel assignment number. In a concurrent employment situation, ituses the central person ID. This conversion changes the old production data that was run undernon-concurrent employment, to be based on central person ID in order tomatch the concurrent employment environment. The selection Year> is for year on Date of form generation>in transaction PU19>. Depending on the size of the PCL4 cluster,the conversion program may take a while to run. Therefore, it isrecommended to do parallel runs for different years. Under Test> mode, if checkbox Show details> is marked, thereport displays a list of converted data with the old and new PCL4 keySRTFD>. |