SAP Program RPCTO1Q0 - Termination Organiser Australia

Termination Initial Screen (RPCTO1Q0)

Use this report to:

  • Terminate existing employees

  • Reinstate terminated employees

  • Make Eligible Termination Payments (ETP) after terminating the employee,
  • using the post update rollover option
    • Make Split ETP after terminating the employee, using the split ETP
    • option.



      • The standard selection including Personnel number, Personnel area,
      • Subarea and Cost center.
        • The Personnel Events:

        • Termination, to terminate an active employee
          Reinstate, to reinstate a terminated employee
          Post update ETP rollover to make eligible termination payments(ETP) to a terminated employee, on a later date
          Split ETP, to make relevant termination split payments (Split ETP) to aterminated employee, on the termination date.
          The Default termination parameters section is mainly used along with theTermination action personnel event. The only exception being apost update ETP rollover in which case you must use the pay ByOffcycle payment method. All other options in this section should beused in conjunction with only the termination option of the previoussection.
          • Termination Date, to specify the date on which you wish to
          • terminate the employee(s)
            • Termination Reason, to specify the reason for termination. For
            • example, retired, fired or as defined by the employer.
              • Payment Methods specifiying the mode of payment for termination amounts:

              • directly By payroll for that period
                By Cheque, as per the cheque date
                By Offcycle payroll run on the specified off cycle date
                Use this option with the Post Update ETP rollover, Personnelevent, to make the ETP payments on a later date by running the payrollfor that date.
                • Choose the PS/ETP Print options only if you want to print the Payment
                • Summary or ETP directly from the Termination workbench
                  Use this option only with the Termination action.
                  Select the Print PS or Print ETP indicator to print therespective report
                  Select the No Generation indicator to display a test copy of thePS/ETP or both without updating the Payment Summary infotype(0626).

                  Initial Termination Screen
                  On selecting this option, the system a screen, on which you can selectwhether you want to use this option to terminate and employee, or toreinstate that employee. You are able to enter an employee number ontothis screen, for the employee to be terminated or reinstated.
                  You are able to select multiple employees for Terminations, by pressingthe preselect button. This allows you to enter in a range ofemployees.Once you press execute, you will be taken to themulti-employee termination screen.
                  In case you have entered a default termination date or terminationreason before selecting the pre-select button, these defaults willautomatically be loaded for all the employees selected.
                  To terminate a single employee, enter the employee number and select theChoose button. You are taken to the Multiple EmployeeTermination screen.
                  After you enter the selection criteria and execute the program, you aretaken to the Multiple Employee Termination screen. You can alsoaccess this screen directly by executing the Multiple EmployeeTermination program (RPCTO2Q0).

                  The Multiple employee Screen is invoked where the list employee recordsfor processing are displayed.
                  From this screen you can perform a:

                  • Termination simulation

                  • Termination update or

                  • Reinstate

                  • Split ETP

                  • or choose to:
                    • Display and/or modify the details before running the termination.
                    • Activities
                      Select one or more employees to terminate.
                      Select a Personnel Event from, Termination, Reinstate or aPost update ETP rollover to make eligible termination payments(ETP) to a terminated employee, on a later date.
                      Specify the Termination date, Termination reason and the Paymentmethod.
                      Select from the print options Print PS, Print ETP or NoGeneration.
                      Select Execute.

                      See Also
                      Help on:

                      • The Multiple Employee Termination program (

                      • RPCTO2Q0).