Title EA (Tax) Form for Malaysia (RPCTEAL0) Purpose This report generates the following forms to be filled in by theemployer for filing annual income tax returns of the employees:
- EA> Form for a private sector company
- EC> Form for a public sector company
- Borang E> Form for each employer reference number - This form is a
cover sheet for a set of EA >or EC> Forms under a particularemployer reference number. Based on the results generated for the current financial year from theMalaysia Payroll Driver> (RPCALCL0), the EA > or EC>Form is generated. The EA> or EC> Form is generated at the end of the year.Determination of Tax Splits for tax reporting> Feature (LTSPT) isused to define the criteria for the splitting of the EA> or EC > Form. The EA> or EC> Form contains information on the personaldetails of the employee, his or her earnings for the year and the amountdeducted and remitted under the Schedular Tax Deduction (STD) scheme.Integration Although SAP Script provides font substitution for individual printersto remain global, SAP recommends you to use HPLJ4Si/4SiMX PS laser jet. Prerequisites
- You must have run the Prepare EA Form> Report (RPCTSQL0) before
running the EA> or EC> Form. This report generates sequencenumbers for employees and stores them in the Serial no Table for EAform - Malaysia> datable table (T5LSQ). The EA> or EC>Form reads the database records for the sequence number of an employee.
- You must have set the
Determination of TaxSplits for tax reporting Feature (LTSPT)> for the splits in the EA > or EC> Form.
- You must have set the
Determine Income TaxReturn Form (EA or EC) feature (LEAEC)> to determine the IncomeTax Return Form> type for a company. RESET N1Features EA or EC Form>
- Sorting of EA or EC Form>
On the selection screen, you have an option to define the sort sequenceof the EA> or EC> Form, for easy distribution. You can sortthe EA> or EC> Form on the following fields in addition toEmployee Sequence No, which by default is the last sort order field: Company Code Personnel Area Employee Group Employee Subgroup Personnel Subarea Cost Center Organizational Unit Employer Tax Ref No
- Section F>
Section F of the EA> or EC> Form displays arrears ofprevious years paid in the current year. These arrears may include bonusfor previous years and/or retroactive difference amount of the previousyears. Since there are only two lines in Section F, the reporting of theamounts is done as follows: If the EA> or EC> form is printed for Year 'Y', then: The first line displays arrears from the previous year (Y-1). In case ofbonus for previous year, make sure that the corresponding wage type hasspecification P1> for evaluation class 6>. The second line prints arrears from years earlier than the previous year(Previous to and including Y-2). In case of bonus for more than one yearback, make sure that the corresponding wage type has specificationP2> for evaluation class 6>. EA or EC Sorting Summary Report>
- EA Sorting Summary> report is generated along with the EA>
- EC Sorting Summary> report is generated along with the EC>
Form. This is not a legal report. This report displays information pertainingto the sort summary sequence that you have chosen and the number ofEA> or EC> Forms displayed for selected employees. EA or EC Summary Report> This report has the following features:
- Displays a list of total earnings and tax paid by all the employees for
whom the EA report is run.
- A separate EA or EC Summary> Form is printed for each Employer Tax
Reference Number.
- List of employees printed is sorted first on employee serial number and
then on employee name. EA or EC Form breakdown list> This list contains details of the monthly earnings, deductions and taxpaid by the employee. A new form is printed for each employee. This isnot a legal report. This report displays the following details of anemployee:
- Company Code
- Name
- Employee Number
- Personnel Area and Personnel Subarea
- Cost Center/Organizational Unit
- Employee Group and Employee Subgroup
- Monthly break up of all the earnings, deductions and tax that are
reported in the EA> or EC> Form. The report displays the BIKearnings separately for every break up. Note:> This report does not take into consideration the splits in the EA>or EC> Form. EA or EC Form in background> To print the EA> or EC> Form in the background, you mustselect properties of the spool request and time of the job. A spool iscreated for the following reports: EA,,EC EA Form,,EC Form EA Sort Summary,,EC Sort Summary EA Summary,,EC Summary EA Breakdown list,,EC Breakdown list Use transaction SP01 to view the spool list EA or EC Form with customer layout> EA >Form and EA Summary> report or EC> Form and ECSummary> report can be displayed on a customer defined layout. To doso, you must specify the names on the selection screen of the report. Features Specific to EA Form>
- If you are maintaining the position text of an employee in a table other
than Position Texts> table (T528T), then you can implement theBAdI, HRPAYMY_EAFORM>, to read the same from the specific table.This report calls the BAdI and prints the position text returned by theBAdI on the EA> Form. You can configure this BAdI in the IMG under Payroll for Malaysia>-> Tax Forms> -> EA or EC Form> -> BAdI: Determine Description for Position of an Employee>.
- Benefits in Kind (BIK) earnings>
BIK earnings are reported in section B and C of the EA Form. Theseearnings are defined by the specification defined for Evaluation Class06 for the wage type and the income codes maintained in table viewCode Number for BIK (Malaysia)> (V_T5LBA). These codes aredefaulted as the possible BIK contributions in BIK (Tax)>>Infotype (0547). In the EA form, the mapping of the differentsections is as follows: Note>: I> represents - EA Form mapping to specification of EvaluationClass 06 II> represents - EA Form mapping to Code number of BIK item inBIK (Tax)> >Infotype (0547) (in table view Code Numberfor BIK (Malaysia)> (V_T5LBA)) Section and Description of EA Form,,,,,,,,I,,,,,,,,II> B 001 - 1. Gross salary, wages or,,,,,,,,10,,,,,,,,- leave pay (including overtime pay) B 101 - Fee(Including director's ,,,,,,,,11,,,,,,,,- fees), commision or bonus B 102 - Gross Tips perquisite, other,,,,,,,,12,,,,,,,,120 gratuitous receipts or allowances -Income Tax paid by Employer on,,,,,,,,13,,,,,,,,121 behalf of Employee B 103 - (a)(i)Value of motor car,,,,,,,,20,,,,,,,,130 and fuel - (ii)Value of driver,,,,,,,,21,,,,,,,,131 B 104 - (b) Light, water, telephone,,,,,,,,22,,,,,,,,140 and other utilities B 105 - (c) (i) Semi-furnished with ,,,,,,,,23+24,,,,,,150 furniture*/air conditioners*/curtains*, or,,,,,,,,+25+26 (ii) Fully furnished with kitchen ,,,,,,,,27,,,,,,,,151 equipment, crockery/utensils/appliances, or (iii) Individual items: Furniture and fittings,,,,,,,,28,,,,,,,,152 Kitchen equipments,,,,,,,,29,,,,,,,,153 Entertainment and recreation,,,,,,,,2A,,,,,,,,154 Mobile telephone,,,,,,,,2B,,,,,,,,155 B 106 (d) Household servants and gardeners,,,,,,,,2C,,,,,,,,160 (e) Travel benefits,,,,,,,,2E,,,,,,,,161 (f) Others (for example, food,,,,,,,,2D,,,,,,,,162 and clothing) B 003 - 3. Value of accomodation,,,,,,,,30,,,,,,,,003 B 107 - 4. Refund from unapproved ,,,,,,,,40,,,,,,,,171 provident/pension funds 5. Compensation ,,,,,,,,50,,,,,,,,172 of loss of office C 007 - 1. Pension,,,,,,,,60,,,,,,,,007 C 010 - 2. Annuities or other ,,,,,,,,70,,,,,,,,110 periodical payments Note:> When EA form splits in a year, the BIK earnings of the employee arereported in the last split of EA Form, for the given year. If multiplerecords of BIK (Tax)> >Infotype (0547) exists for a year,payments from all the records are added and reported in the last splitof EA form for that year. Features Specific to EC Form> You can configure calculation methods for employment income, benefitsand living accommodation details of an employee in the BAdI,HRPAYMY_EAFORM>. This report calls this BAdI and prints the valuescalculated by the BAdI in Section B of the EC> form. You can configure this BAdI in the IMG under Payroll for Malaysia>-> Tax Forms> -> EA or EC Form> ->BAdI: Configure Calculation Method for Section Bof EC Form>. Borang E Form> The report prints the following details in the Borang E> Form: