Description Selection parameters
A form is selected by flagging the corresponding fields in this tab.Forms that are not included in the list (eg normalised TC2, etc) canbe selected through the 'Generate other forms' parameter. Selecting the 'Generate RED system message' parameter causes a dataexchange TemSe file, according to Social Insurance R.E.D. systemspecifications, to be generated. The data saved in the TemSe file canbe displayed and stored on data medium using the The 'Generate SPOOL files' parameter sends the form to the spool, to beprinted later. Each form is saved in a separate file. The data entered in this document is used to select the settlement typeto be reported, and its corresponding features. The 'Qualifier' parameter from the 'Settlement type' field group isused to control the processing of the Social Insurance arrearssurcharge for additional settlements submitted outside of the timeperiod set out in the regulations. This parameter is closely associatedto the The 'Retroactive accounting' field group parameters can be used tochoose to either report differences (additional settlement) or for theTCs to ge generated with current values, in which case it will not bean additional settlement. This document contains control parameters, with the most importantbeing the 'Surcharge exemption for infotype 61' parameter. If thesurcharge exemption for infotype 61 control is activated, the systemwill only select the individual employees whose infotype 61 surchargeexemption indicator coincides with the selected additional settlementtype qualifier. If it is not selected, the system will deactivate thecontrol using infotype 61, and generate the documents using thequalifier selected in the 'Qualifier' parameter of the 'SettlementType' field group. For further information, please see F1 help documentation for eachfield. When the 'Generate RED system message' parameter is selected in thedocument generation tab, the additional parameters of the tab areactivated with the identification data required by the RED system. Forfurther information, please see F1 help documentation for each field. This file contains additional data relating to payment of thesettlement, as well as break control data for the normalised TC2 form.This last field group is used to specify the data (from infotypes 0001or 0002 or table T5E01) with which the 'Control break' field will besaved for each employee. The 'Field' parameter should indicate thetechnical name of the infotype field or the table entered in theprevious parameter. Tables Social Insurance centre code (NISSC field) IA and ID entity code (COSOC field) Company NIF (field FINNR) Company code of the Social Insurance contributing company. >) RED system format file Generation of retroactive positive and negative TCs Changes to data related to Social Insurance halfway through a payrollperiod Output |
924451 | HR SP ES26: Cambio 63 |
450161 | CONSULT.: Documentos de Cotización a partir de 01.01.2002 |
139379 | CONSULT: Boletines y mensajes de cotización |
401736 | CONSULT.: Complementarias por reintegro deducciones |
375597 | HR SP ES19 - Content description - Contenido |
355136 | CONSULT: Transformación de claves de contrato |
352023 | HR SP ES15 - Mandatory actions after import |