Description Selection parameters
For more detailed information, see F1 help for each field. Output Note: |
1620308 | TemSe button wrongly appearing for TC, AFI, and FDI reports |
1243023 | ES28.2: TC - Missing EDTCA11 segment |
1292684 | ES28.6: PSS absence is not working properly in RPCTC0E0 |
1578789 | Issue distributing bonification with HOCON = 100 and VND |
1526196 | SAP_HR CLC-ES 2011-1 |
1534383 | TC: Error in distribution of learning hours |
1542403 | Artists: RPCTC0E0 is not generating complementary properly |
1524208 | TC: End of Bonification in the middle of the month |
1532918 | TC: Invalid CCC has been used to get bank account |
1510117 | RPCTC0E0 performance problems with ERE after note 1484796 |
1484741 | RPCTC0E0 reporting bonifications with settlement class 01 |
1487807 | Bonifications for method 0001 not being distributed properly |
1484796 | TC: ERE indicator 'P' instead of 'T' in case of partial ERE |
1483377 | TC: Absenteeism indicator missing for training contracts |
1486393 | TC: CONVT_NO_NUMBER dump when trying to view the tc2 form |
1482448 | TC: Incorrect indicator in case of Extended IT AT/EP |
1473581 | TC: EDTCA01 quota is calculated differently than in ESV00 |
1476899 | Corr.: Indicator T is not being added to non ordinary temse |
1471953 | TC: Unpaid absence reports "Error in number of days" |
1472588 | BA00 is not being generated for multiple temse files |
1446623 | TC: BA00 is not being generated with equal BA01 and BA02 |
1459321 | TC: ERE indicator T is not being added to non ordinary temse |
1456927 | TC: Extended IT causing "Error in number of days" |
1461281 | RPCTC0E0: Method 0001 being incorrected distributed. |
1448757 | RPCTC0E0: Retroactive VND causing multiple DATs with 0 days |
1451571 | TC: Segment EDLCD28 is not being placed in the DAT for ERE |
1451363 | TC: Classifier L04 displays incorrect type in the temse file |
1447519 | RPCTC0E0: ELDCD28 Segment is being removed from temse file |
1442350 | RPCTC0E0: Generating DAT segment without contribution bases |
1441172 | TC: Error message 'Obtención de días' and shows no results. |
1316709 | ES28.8:Bonification with VND not being distributed correctly |
1402096 | Artists: Contribution Limit presenting problems with split |
1354312 | ES28.11: TC: Bonific. not being correctly distributed for TP |
1388312 | Errors in the TC results for employees with a secondary CCC |
1385458 | Distributing bonifications with two methods |
1357909 | TC - Problems with validation table of CCC |
1329068 | ES28.10:Bonific. with VND not being distributed correctly II |
1371529 | RPCTC0E0 not distributing properly bonification RED 2009/07 |
1357852 | Bonifications and VND collision not working properly |
1356527 | TC - New option to generate abbreviated TC2 |
1349311 | ES28.11: Incorrect TC-1 for A76 declarations |
1325224 | ES28.10: New bonification for researchers in CD24. |
1273156 | ES28.4: Bonification amount bigger than Company contribution |
824334 | HP SP ES25: Cambio 37 |
1257762 | ES28.3: TC not reporting Partial-Time worked days |
819681 | HR SP ES25: Cambio 33 |
880795 | HR SP ES26: Change 23 |
868567 | HR SP ES26: Change 16 |
1239715 | ES28.1: TC - Error in FAN due repeated file name |
1136597 | ES27.8: TC - Number of days in L04 declaration |
1168510 | ES28: Difference between RPCTC0E0 and RPCALCE0 in /3CS. |
1225022 | ES28: Split for Unemployment Quotation - Boletín RED 2008/01 |
1178476 | ES27.11: RPCTC0E0 not distributing correctly bonification II |
1178475 | ES27.11: RPCTC0E0 not calculating correctly number of hours |
1161570 | ES27.10:RPCTC0E0 not distributing correctly the bonification |
1168681 | ES27.11: RPCTC0E0 with problems in the segment RZS |
1133945 | ES27.6: TC: L09 Declarations from January 2008 |
1142284 | ES27.10: TC:Number of active days for partial time employees |
1158470 | ES27.9: CCC Filter for RPCTC0E0 |
1150916 | ES27.8: TC - Condensation of EMP segments |
1145299 | ES27.7: RPCTC0E0 generating wrong country code |
1137420 | ES27.6: TC - Incorrect L09 EMP segments generation |
1126072 | ES27.5: Number of days in TC with collision of VND |
1093098 | ES27.4: TC - Hours in DAT segment for partial time employees |
1000702 | ES26.6: RPCTCE0 - Temse Inconsistente |
936854 | HRSP ES26:RPCTC0E0 Error Horas complementarias. en comp. |
934444 | HR SP ES26 - Cambio 83 |
798369 | HR SP ES25: Cambio 18 |
787258 | HR SP ES25: Cambio 09 |
597894 | HR SP ES23: Cambio 23.1 |
618361 | HR SP ES23: Cambio 31.2 |
588732 | HR SP ES23: Cambio 23 |
572259 | HR SP ES23: Cambio 04 |
450161 | CONSULT.: Documentos de Cotización a partir de 01.01.2002 |
517183 | HR SP ES21 - Cambio 16 |
486641 | HR SP ES21 - Cambio 13 |