Purpose The main purpose is to produce a list with all selected information withall information needed for the reporting of the monthly tax andemployer's contribution to the Swedish tax authorities. The list is onemployee level. The customer can maintain the list with hiding, sortingand summations on different levels. The customer can save theirmaintained list as a variant. The summarized number from the list will be used to fill out the form;RSV 'Hjälpblankett för arbetsgivaravgift och avdragen skatt'. Prerequisites It is important that the form TAX1, which includes relevant sumwagetypesis used when running the report. Output Three fields, organizational number, personnel area and personnelsubarea, are relevant for the output. If there is one organizationalnumber, but different personnel areas or personnel subareas, two lineswill be produced on the list. The output will be in form of a grid. The grid follows the order on theform from RSV and has the following columns; · ,,Org no,,,,Organizational number ·,,PA,,,,,,Personnel area ·,,Subarea ,,,,Personnel subarea ·,,Name,,,,,,Name ·,,Pers.no.,,,,Personnel number ·,,Pers id no,,,,Personnel identity number ·,,50 ·,,51 ·,,52 ·,,53 ·,,55 ·,,56 ·,,57 ·,,58 ·,,59 ·,,60 ·,,61 ·,,62 . 73 ·,,74 . 75 · 78 . 81 . 82 ·,,87 ·,,88 ·,,Sum EC + Tax . 65 . 66 For the columns that have a number in the head, the meaning of thenumbers corresponds to the numbers on the form from RSV. To see whichwagetype that corresponds to which column, please see the form TAX1. Information that requires a manual action: The report also produces a message table with different kind ofmessages, two of them requires manual action. It contains an informationmessage about corporate reduction. This reduction has to be bookedmanually. Also if an employee changes juper (juridical person)retroactively a /DJ9 wagetype occurs. If there is a wage type /DJ9 thereport produces an information message and this also requires a manualbooking. Information that only notifies the user: There is also messages that notifies, if there are /RXX wage types.Normally this report only evaluates the latest calculated period,because all relevant wage types are forwarded to the latest period('kontantprincipen'), but if there is a change of JUPER (juridicalperson) there could be /RXX wage types, these occurs when e.g. a bonusis paid out retroactively in the old juper, these wage types are NOTforwarded to the latest period! Therefore the report produces two linesfor the same period, one for the actual period (e.g.02/02, new juper)and one for the retrocalculated period (e.g. 01/02, old juper), becausethe amount needs to be reported on the old juper. The report produces popup message for column 76 with organization numberand the corresponding regional reduction amount. The report checks if the wagetype /103 does not correspond to thewagetype /407. This message occurs when an employee that earns less than1000 SEK reaches this limit and therefore /407 contains the cumulatedamount from former periods, but /103 only amount of the evaluatedperiod. You can run the report for past months as oft as you like. The following tables are being evaluated: T001P/T5S0P - Personnel Area, Personnel Subarea and OrganizationalNumber T512E - Evaluation of which wage types that shall be used and to whatcolumn they belong to. The standard form used in this report is TAX1. |