Purpose This report displays the CP 159 tax deductions of the selected employeesfor an Employer Reference Number. This is an annual report displayingthe monthly CP 159 contributions for the year. Integration Although SAPScript provides font substitution for individual printers toremain global, SAP recommends that you use HPLJ4Si/4SiMX PS laser jet. Prerequisites
- The master data records must exist.
- You must have executed transaction PC00_M14_CM59>. This
transaction saves the receipt numbers in the database. The CP 159 reportreads the database for the receipt numbers.Selection Employer Details> section
- Employer Tax Reference Number> uniquely identifies the employer
for payment of tax to a given tax office. The CP 159 tax deductiondetails of all the employees for this Employer Tax Reference Number willbe displayed on one report.
- Tax Assessment Year> is the period for which you want to generate
the sequence numbers.
- Nature of Business> and Employer's Income Tax Number> are
printed as information on the report. Additional Data> section Here, you can specify the details of administrator to be printed on thereport. You can maintain values to be defaulted in this section.
- Maintain the default values for the Officer-in-charge> and the
Phone No> of the administrator through the table viewAdministrators> (T526).
- Maintain the default values for the IC Number> and Designation
>, by creating the following master data records for any one of theemployees that you have selected: Maintain the SAP user name of the administrator in ID/Number>Field of Communication> Infotype (0105), System user name>Subtype (0001). Maintain the IC Number> of the administrator in the ID Number > Field of Personal IDs> Infotype (0185) IC> Subtype (01). Maintain the Designation> of the administrator in the Position > Field of Actions> Infotype (0000). Output Format> section You can generate the report in the Standard SAP Layout, or your owncustomized layout.Output The CP 159 report output displays the monthly contributions of theselected employees for the assessment year. If the Employer Tax Reference Number> of an employee changes in ayear, the CP 159 details for the new Employer Tax Reference Number > is printed in a separate form. If the employee has any Benefits inKind (BIK) earnings in the year, the total BIK earnings for the year aredistributed equally between the months in the last split of the CP 159form. If there is any rounding off error in the BIK earnings due todistribution between the months, a rounding-off adjustment is done inthe second last month of the last split.Activities From SAP Easy Access> menu, choose Human Resources> ->Payroll> -> Asia/Pacific> -> Malaysia> -> Subs.activities> -> Annual> -> Legal reporting> -> Taxes>-> CP 159>. The Summary of Tax Deductions CP 159> Report screen appears. Enter the relevant details. Choose Program> -> Execute>.