Description Report RPCSVDD1 creates messages for the BVV (supplementary insurancefor bank employees), which must be sent monthly to the BVV for eachdata medium. The report simultaneously creates an individual list thatlists BVV contributionsfor each person insured, and a totals list thatgroups together BVV contributions for each BVV membership enterprise.The report also creates an accompanying letter for the data medium.Report RPCSVDD1 must be started monthly. * Program description Report RPCSVDD1 reads payroll results and writes the created messagesto the TemSe. You use the following report (RPUTSV00) to write themessages to a PC disk. The messages contain personal data and data onthe contribution payments of the person insured, graded according toclasses. A person insured is only reported when infotype 0126 existsfor this employee. The insurance types with the accompanying special rules
- B BVV basic contribution 00, A0, A1
- D Increased insurance 02
- V Voluntary continued insurance 01, 03, 04
- C Additional contingency insurance 09
- A Additional insurance 08
are read from infotype 0079. Special features are reported in the processing features V0 and VK. (Processing feature VK corresponds with the Md-vmerk field in the datamedium and V0 corresponds with the Md-grvm0 field in the data medium). Processing feature VK reports
- 11 Death, DEUEV action indicator
- 12 Pension BU, indicator from DEUEV infotype 0020,
- 13 Retirement pension, end of insurance from infotype 0126
- 16 Annulment, end of insurance and start of insurance
agree in infotype 0126
- 17 Part-time indicator in infotype
and cancellation as well
- 18 Cancellation At the start of the next month:
Status2-Field in infotype 0000 = 0 or Infotype 0001 does not exist or Infotype 0126 does not exist Processing feature V0 reports: 01 Parental leave Indicator B in table T5D0A, field ZSV
- 02 Confirmation of rehiring
Infotype 0079 does not exist
- 03 Soldier serving for set time
Indicator C in table T5D0A, field ZSV
- 04 Unpaid leave
Indicator D in table T5D0A, field ZSV
- 05 End of sick pay allowance
Indicator A in table T5D0A, field ZSV
- 07 Change to part-time
Indicator in infotype 0126