SAP Program RPCSTAS0 - Calculation of employer´s contrib. and tax cumulated

The main purpose of this list is to produce a cumulated list per
organizational number of employers contribution and tax and gives the
sum of these, which are to be paid to the tax authorities once a month.
The figures from the report will be used to fill out the form:
RSV:Hjälpblankett för arbetsgivaravgift och avdragen skatt
It evaluates the payroll results of each person for the month which
is chosen. If you have a change of org. no in the middle of the
month the wage types will be splitted correctly.

If you have set up your pers.subarea as a department and want
to report per than use the feature SZUBT. This has to be
put in the parameter. If you have set up your pers.subarea as a
company then leave the parameter blank. You automatically get the list
It is important that customizing is done properly.
Maintain info for tax report
Maintain info for corporate and regionaldeduction
Caution: In this step you have to think if you have your
1) pers.subarea as a department - all must have an X in corp. reduction
2) pers.subarea as a company - only one should have an X in

The list will follow the form from RSV
(= Hjälpblankett - arbetsgivaravgift och dragen skatt)
Fieldnr Wagetype Fieldnr Wagetype
1) 41 /407
42 /417
43 /410
A /412
2) Full empl contr /425
52 /419
45 /413
55 /421
47 /415,/416,/418
57 /423,/424,/426
Corp.reduction /414
58 /422
49 /411
59 /420
Sum of EC per month /427
85 /109
Wage types that are not filled will not be printed
If you have a corp. reduction this has to be booked manually
At the end a statistics will be printed:
Ccode -Company Code
Parea - Personnel Area
Psub - Personnel Subarea
Eg - Employee Group
EgS - Employee Subgroup
OrgK - Organizational Key
Reporting- (this differs from the original one if the feature is used)
Feature - an X if this personnel area/personnel subarea is run with the
No.EE - No of employees
You can run the report for the past months as oft as you like.
Only payroll results that are created til the chosen period will be
The following tables are beeing evaluated:
Personnel Area
Personnel Subarea
Organizational Number
Evaluation Classes for the wage types for printing the list
T512P Constant values for corp. reduction (särskilt företagsstöd)