Title HR-PT: Remuneration Sheet Purpose Provide the Social Security institutions where the company isregistered with a monthly list of the remunerations paid to each emplo yee in a given month as well as the total contributions. EachRemuneration Sheet groups all the employees who belong to the sameSocial Security regime (Articles 15,16 and 17, Act No.140-D/86, of June14). The Remuneration Sheet must be delivered to the appropriate authoritiesup to the 15th of the following month. Prerequisites The Remuneration Sheet can be generated only after the payroll is runand its resulting data are stored in the cluster. All kinds of magnetic media are accepted by the Social Security as longas it complies with the format published by the Instituto deInformática e Estatística da Solidariedade and an agreement is madewith each Social Security Regional Center. Features This version of the Remuneration Sheet breaks information per SS Institution/Personnel Subarea; uses the contributor number(s) specified infeature PSSCN> Every employee, independently from his or her remuneration type,contract duration or working hours, is included in the RemunerationSheet. For example: administrators, directors, managers, members of theboard and so on. All the values included in the list are rounded up.Activities Run HR-PT:TemSe Display/Download Utilities>(RPUTSVP0) to generate the diskette. Note: In the group box Options>, there is a flag where you choosehow the contribution values are determined:
- applying the Social Security rate to the sum of all remunerations
This is the procedure required by the Social Security institutions; thetotal contribution value is rounded up and not the individualcontribution value of each employee
- adding the calculated contribution values of each employee
The contribution values were calculated and rounded up separately foreach employee and then added up to obtain the total contributionamount. The value obtained with this procedure is different from thevalue obtained with the procedure described above due to roundingerrors.