Description This report is used to compare the payroll results calculated for thecurrent period to the results of the previous period. The differencesare presented in a totals list. A selection can be made in the payroll cluster on the followingcriteria:
- Payroll Area
- Legal Person
- Wage Types
- Display Values in Amounts or Numbers
A selection can be made in WPBP on the following criteria:
- Personnel Number
- Company
- Personnel Area
- Personnel Subarea
- Employee Group
- Employee Subgroup
- Organizational Key
- Organizational Unit
- Cost Center
To display all differences between the previous and the actual payrollperiod, the report selection is based on the values in the cluster. Inthis way you can prevent changes introduced retroactively toorganizational assignments from leading to persons being erroneouslyexcluded from the overview. Selecting persons in this way, however,negatively effects the report's performance considerably if you select a(small) part of the total population of the payroll area (for example anemployee subgroup). A second version of this report (RPCSRHN1) has beendeveloped as a solution. In principle, this report delivers the sameresults, but bases its selection on the PNP database instead of on thecluster results. To prevent problems with retroactive changes, theselection period is artificially extended by a few months. Nevertheless,this version may erroneously exclude certain persons from the results iforganizational changes are made retroactively in a relatively distantpast.Precondition The report can be run more than once for the current payroll period;this is, however, not possible for previous payroll periods. As a result of retroactive accounting a difference may occur in thevalues of the previous payroll period vs. the values of the currentpayroll period (overview control register current period vs. overviewcontrol register previous period). If no retroactive accounting overview is displayed, retroactiveaccounting did not take place for the selected wage types. Only those wage types are displayed in the overviews below that meet thefollowing criterion: Processing class 67, option 1 (T512W). The selected wage types areassigned as default value to the selection parameter "Wage Type". Output Overall Summary The overall summary displays the difference between the current payrollperiod and the previous payroll period. Column Number of Persons>: An employee is only counted once for every wage type. Column Amount Previous Period>: This amount is determined using the most recent (actual) amount.However, if there is an amount from the previous payroll period, it isincluded. First column Number of Persons>: Number of persons in previous periods. Column Retroactive Accounting Difference>: Lists all retroactive accounting totals, from the start of the currentyear up to and including the previous period. Column Amount Current Period>: Most recent amount (actual). Second column Number of Persons>: Number of persons in current period. Column Difference Percentage>: The percentage entered in the selection screen (parameter fieldDifference Percentage>) is used to compare the column 'DifferencePercentage' to the value entered. Subject to the value entered on theselection screen, the comparison is made by employee or for the totalselection after the wage types are totalled. The values applicable to this column are:
- Text 'New': The wage type does not exist in the previous period.
- Negative Value: The amount of the previous period is greater than the
amount of the current period.
- Positive Value: The amount of the previous period is smaller than the
amount of the current period. A grand total has been included in the overall summary for the columnsAmount Previous Period> and Amount Current Period>. The totals fields and their meaning are given below:
- Number of Different Persons>: This is where all selected employees
are displayed for the periods concerned. Every employee is counted onlyonce.
- Maximum Number of Retroactive Periods>: Maximum number of
retroactive periods for one person. Detail Overviews To select a detail overview, position the cursor on a wage type andpress the function key F7 or F8. If you have chosen the difference percentage by employee on theselection screen, the detail overview, sorted by personnel number andwage type, displays all persons with the selected wage types with adifference greater than or equal to the difference percentage. Functionkeys Shift-F7 or Shift-F8 are used to display the same overview on asubseqent screen, but then for all persons with a difference greaterthan zero (irrespective of the difference percentage chosen). If you have chosen the difference percentage for the total selection onthe selection screen, all persons are displayed with a DifferencePercentage> other than zero. Column Retroactive Accounting Difference>: This column is splitinto the sub-columns Amount> and Number of Periods>. Thesub-column Amount> contains the total amount for the retroactiveaccounting period, the sub-column Number of Periods> gives thenumber of retroactive accounting periods. The other columns correspond to the equivalent columns in the overallsummary. The combined totals field for the detail overviews is Number ofPersons with Wage Ty. x Period y>. This totals field occurs twice onthe overviews, whereby wage type x is the selected wage type; yrepresents the previous or current period. The detail overview, sorted by wage type or personnel number, containsthe additional totals field Number of Persons for RetroactiveAccounting>. This field gives the number of persons for whom aretroactive accounting run has been carried out. This overview alsodisplays a grand total in Amount for Present and Current Period>and Retroactive Accounting Difference Amount>. Retroactive Accounting Overview In the detail overviews you can select a retroactive accounting overviewusing the function keys F17 and F18. A retroactive accounting overview sorted by personnel number or wagetype gives an overview of all persons for whom a retroactive accountingrun has been carried out and for whom there is a difference between theold and the new amount of a given retroactive accounting period for theselected wage type. In this case, however, the other wage types for thepersons selected are not displayed. "Other wage types' are understood tomean wage types with option 1 for processing class 67. Column Personnel Number>: Persons for whom a retroactiveaccounting run has been carried out using the selected wage type. Column Wage Type>: All wage types for persons for whom aretroactive accounting run has been carried out. Column Period>: Retroactive accounting periods. Column Old Amount>: Previous amount for the given retroactiveaccounting period (i.e. previous). New Amount> is understood to mean: The amount changed in thecurrent payroll period for the given retroactive accounting period(actual). Column Retroactive Accounting Difference>: is calculated asNew Amount> minus Old Amount>. Both overviews do not contain totals fields.