Purpose This report enables you to:
- Generate Social Risk Declarations for the Sector and Scenario selected,
containing the following information: Personal data Payroll and time data Comments Depending on the declaration type, one of the following B2A processes istriggered:
- Original declaration (SI / Social Risk)
Integration This report is used in combination with report Generic Temse Viewer(DAQ based)> (RPUTMS9S>), which helps you convertthe newly generated TemSe file to an XML file.Prerequisites Before executing this report, do the following:
- Customizing
Check whether you have correctly defined the relevant data listed in thecorresponding IMG chapter for Social Risk >.
- HR Master Data maintenance
Check relevant data in the following infotypes: Planned working time> (0007>) Contract elements> (0016>) Social insurance Belgium> (0100>)
- Payroll data
The payroll results to be reported must be available in the followingcluster tables, which are included in the Belgian payroll resultsstructure (PAYBE_NATIONAL>): Personal data table (PERM>) Employment table (SVEVL>)Selection You can make various selections according to time-dependent andorganizational needs. Note that if you do not enter a personnel numberof a selection of personnel numbers, the system retrieves all personnelnumbers (not recommended for larger companies). In addition, you can enter Social Risk-specific selection criteria, asdescribed below:
- Sector
Sector for which the declaration will be valid: Unemployement Allowances Occupational diseases Labour Accidents
- Scenario
- Generation date
Date on which the declaration file is generated.
- Employer SI number
Social Insurance registration number that uniquely identifies anemployer at the National Office for Social Security.
- Type of declaration
Per default, the Social Risk Declaration report generates an originaldeclaration.
- Sel. date payroll
Date on which the payroll results are selected. Test mode Set this indicator if you want to perform a test run. In this case, thedata is not written to the relevant TemSe table. Activate B2A Set this indicator if you want to trigger the Business-to-Administrationworkflow (B2A). The B2A Manager is an international transaction forhandling file transfers between companies and administrations. The B2Aworkflow is disabled for test declarations. B2A Text Free text field used for tracking purposes in theBusiness-to-Administration workflow (B2A).Output The output is a file in TemSe format (flat file>), where each linecorresponds to a section of the declaration. To view the TemSe file,double-click a line (a declaration) and choose Yes when prompted. The newly created TemSe, which is stored in the TemSe directory andwhich you can access via the transaction List of TemSeobjects>, reflects the structure of the declaration. Click a line toview its details. Note> You can generate the corresponding XML file from here by clicking therelevant button, whereafter you are prompted to confirm the suggestedpath and file name.