SAP Program RPCSPUA0 - SI transfer of entitlements from payroll account T558A (A)

This report enables the system to transfer special payment entitlementsfrom table T558A.
In the past, the entitlement existed and had to imported in the clustertable SP using automatic special payment. Only then could thesystem use the entitlement for further processing.
First, the employee must be assigned to all special payments that arerelevant.
a) Use transaction PE03 to maintain the special payment feature
b) You must define the special payments that are for transfer (T530C).
Table T558A must contain the special payment wage types (Note: Not thetechnical wage types used for the formation of bases)
You can generate initial records for each employee for whom specialpayments are defined (according to table T530C).
-> Processing mode 'I' (see documentation for parameter).
If you want to enter daily entitlements in the cluster table SP,you must enter the appropriate number of days in the amount field ofthe T558A entry.
If you want to enter calculated valuation bases in the cluster tableSP, you must enter the corresponding amount in the amount fieldof the T558A entry.
If the end of the special payments for transfer is in the past, youmust save the value 2 (passive special payment) in the ratefield of the T558A entry. Otherwise, you enter either the value 1
for active special payments or the value 0 (same effect).
Note: If you have an active and passive special payment for the samewage type, you set the start date of the T558A entry as a consecutivenumber. However, start and end date of the T558A entry must be in thepayroll period earmarked for transfer.
Important: Only those special payments can be transferred for which nopayment of any kind has been made. The subsequent automatic payment ofspecial payments CANNOT take payments already made into account.
Start payroll
IMPORTANT: Special payments can only be transferred from periods forwhich payroll has already been run.
After payroll, start report RPCSPUn0.
-> Processing mode 'U' (see documentation for parameter):
The report fills the cluster table SP with entries from tablesT530C and T558A.
In the subsequent payroll period, the transferred payment entitlementsare automatically taken into account.

Parameter P/T558A
Processing mode

Processing mode of the transfer report

I ... Entries for entitlements to special payments are generatedinitially
U ... The entitlements to special payments are transferred to theinternal special payment table 'SP'.
D ... Entries for entitlements to special payments are deleted.
NOTE: Only use this modus in case of an error.
The entitlements to special payments must remain
for payroll function SPU00 !!!