Title Download SPK results as file (RPCSPKV0_DL) Purpose This report is used to download the Statens Pensjonskasse (SPK) reportthat you have already generated using the SPK Report forNorway (RPCSPKV0)>. You can download this report in the form of a textfile.Integration The report reads the cluster table PCL1> for the SPK data.Prerequisites You must have run the SPK Report for Norway >(RPCSPKV0) for theperiod, for which you want to download the file.Features Activities Enter the period for which you want to download the file. You candownload the file for only one period at a time. Select the Batch No.> if you have run more than one report for thesame period. If you do not select the Batch No.>, the report readsthe last version for download. Execute the report. The system will display the Header Data> for the report. You can select the Show> option on the menu bar, if you want tosee the records of the report. Select the Download> option on the menu bar to create a text filefor the SPK report. Enter the Payroll System> containing the file for download, in theLønnssystemkode> field. Select the location for the downloaded file. The system will download the text file at the location specified by youon the hard disk. |