Title SPK Report for Norway (RPCSPKV0) Purpose This report updates the PCL1> cluster table with the SPK reportdata. This is a legal report required by the Statens Pensjonskasse (SPK)authorities for Norway public sector employees.Integration
- The retirement age of an employee is dependent on the job code of the
employee. The system reads the retirement age for a job code from theRetirement Age infotype (1653), which is an Organizational Mangementinfotype.
- The system reads the Retirement Age infotype (1653) for the Norway
Public Sector legal job code of the employee. If the Job-code>field is: Populated, the system reads that as the legal job code, which maps tothe SAP job code. Populated with 9999>, it means that the SAP job code does not mapto any legal job code. Empty, the system reads the last four digits of the SAP job code as thelegal job code.
- The system reads the SPK absence types from table view Code for SPK
for leave-agreement with valid years> (V_T5VPPS_SPKP). This table viewmaps the SAP absence types to the Norway Public Sector legal absencetypes.
- The system reads the TMA codes for the employee from table view
Temporary Agreement codes> (T5VPPS_TMA) and decides theeligibility of the employee for SPK reporting. This table maps theEmployee Group, Employee Subgroup and the Report Identifier to theNorway Public Sector legal TMA codes.
- You can download the SPK report in the form a text file using the
Download SPK results as file report (RPCSPKV0_DL)>.
- You can display the data in the cluster table PCL1> by using the
Display SPK results report (RPCSPKV0_DISP)>.
- You can delete records in the cluster table PCL1> by using the
Deleting SPK results report (RPCSPKV0_DEL)>.Prerequisites
- You must have maintained the Retirement Age infotype (1653), which is an
Organizational Mangement infotype, with the retirement age for the joband the legal job code, if required.
- You must have maintained the IMG activities under Payroll Norway>
-> Public Sector> -> Reports> -> SPKReport>.Features Selection
- Enter the employee selection criteria.
- Enter the month and the year for which you want to run this report.
- Select the Test Run> indicator if you do not want to update the
cluster table with the data.