&DESCRIPTION&> The Social Report fulfills a legal requirement based on Act No. 9/92,21 January. You must send it annually (in May) to the Ministry of Workand Solidarity (Ministério do Trabalho e da Solidariedade) once it hasbeen approved by the Workers' Commission, Unions and Trade Associationsto which the company belongs. It must be sent in printed form in accordance with the official layout. Due to the complexity of filling in the form automatically, compared tothe relative simplicity of filling it in manually, such a procedure isnot provided. Use
- This report is divided in smaller sub-reports. You can execute each
sub-report individually by marking the corresponding check boxes
- The selection period is open, that is, it is not restricted to a
calendar year
- If the currency> field is not filled in the report considers the
currency of the company, which was customized in the IMG stepPersonnel Administration -> Basic Settings ->Define currencies>>.Preconditions Due to the particularities of each sub-report, the pre-conditions arepresented separately. General> The Social Report can only be generated after the payroll is run andthe resulting data are stored in the cluster. The classification of absences, which is relevant for excludinglong-term absent employees, has been customized in the IMG step HR-PT: Payroll Accounting -> Reporting and Statistics ->Maintain classification objects>>. The contract type of each employee has been maintained in the SocialSecurity infotype (0032) The professional partitioning and the employee's education level havebeen maintained in the Professional Classifications> infotype(0037) The main report:> The company code field must be filled in Cover page> The region of the Personnel subareas ("Estabelecimentos") has beencustomized in the IMG step HR-PT: Payroll Accounting -> Reportingand Statistics -> Maintain Personnel Subareasupplementary information>>. The information about the company has been customized in the IMG stepHR-PT: Payroll Accounting -> Reporting and Statistics ->Maintain properties for entities>>. Statistical information> Feature PENTR has been maintained in the IMG step PersonnelAdministration -> Payroll data -> Seniority ->Determine entry date>>. The education level has been maintained in the IMG step: PersonnelAdministration -> Personnel Administration -> Organizational data ->Professional classifications -> Maintain educationlevel>-> Contract partition> No pre-conditions Leaving data> Legal events/reasons for leaving events have been customized in the IMGstep Personnel Administration -> Setting Up Procedures -> Events ->Create reasons for personnel actions> >andMap legal reasons for events/reasons>. Career evolution> Legal events/reasons for promotion and professional reclassificationhave been customized in the IMG step Personnel Administration ->Setting Up Procedures -> Events -> Create reasonsfor personnel actions>. Career evolution> Legal events/reasons for promotion and professional reclassificationhave been customized in the IMG step Personnel Administration ->Setting Up Procedures -> Events -> Create reasonsfor personal events>. However, if instead of customizing the events, you change the infotypesdirectly, the customizing must have been done in the IMG stepPersonnel Administration -> Setting Up Procedures -> Infotypes ->Define reasons for changing infotypes>>. Forthis purpose, we provide the SAP enhancement HR-PT:Promotions/Reclassifications for the Social Balance (HRPYPT03). Time data> The classification of work schedules, which is relevant for assigningemployees to the respective work schedule type, has been customized inthe IMG step HR-PT: Payroll Accounting -> Reporting and Statistics-> Maintain work schedule values>>. The DAYSW constant has been customized in Defineconstant for time data>. The following wage types are also relevant for this sub-report andmust, therefore, be filled in for the selected employees: /650 Overtime - 1st hour /651 Overtime - Subsequent hours /652 Overtime - Saturday /654 Overtime - Public holiday /653 Overtime - Sunday /850 Planned working hours /844 Paid public holiday (hours) /848 Leave taken (days) /856 Effective working hours /65A Overtime - Reason:DL421/83-4.1 /65B Overtime - Reason:DL421/83-4.2 Note: The working hours potential (1.17.3) is equal to the equation/850 - /844 - /848 for all employees; and the effective worked hours(1.17.4) is equal to the equation /856 - /65A - /65B for all employees. Absence data> The classification of absences and attendances has been customized inthe IMG step HR-PT: Payroll Accounting -> Reporting and Statistics-> Maintain absence type values>>. Note: This customizing defines the reason for the attendance/absenceand if the absence must be paid or not. Personnel costs> All the wage types that are relevant for this sub-report must haveEvaluation class 12 > and Evaluationclass 13> maintained. The latter uses the values 01 and 02. Note: The mapping between the data fields of the report and theevaluation classes is the following: Data,,,,,,,,,,Item,,,,,,Eval.cl.12 values,,,,Eval.cl.13 values Basic pay,,,,,,,,,,(2.1.1),,,,,,01,,,,- Regular paym.,,,,,,,,,,(2.1.2),,,,,,02 - 22,,,,01 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28 - 30 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34 - 36 Irregular paym.,,,,,,,,,,(2.2),,,,,,02 - 22,,,,02 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,28 - 30 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,34 - 36 Legal expenditure,,,,,,,,,,(2.4),,,,,,37,,,,- The net pay of the ratios in items 2.9 and 2.10 is retrieved from thebasic pay of each employee (value 1 of evaluation class 12) from whichthe corresponding tax deduction and Social Security contribution arededucted. The assignment of employees as being Statutory Board Members can becarried out on two levels: 1. Individually through the Corporate functions> infotype (0034) In this case, the relevant corporate functions must have beencustomized in the IMG step HR-PT: Payroll Accounting -> Reportingand Statistics -> Maintain infotype sub-typevalues>>.
- 2. Per employee group/subgroup.
In this case, the relevant employee groups/subgroups have beencustomized in the IMG step HR-PT: Payroll Accounting -> Reportingand Statistics -> Maintain employeegroups/subgroups>>. Social Protection> All the wage types that are relevant for this sub-report must haveevaluation class 12 > maintained. The mapping between the data fields of the report and the evaluationclass is the following: Data,,,,,,,,,,Item,,,,,,Eval.class 12 values Sickness bonus,,,,,,,,,,(5.1.1),,,,,, 23 - 25 Pension bonus,,,,,,,,,,(5.1.2),,,,,,35 Other bonuses,,,,,,,,,,(5.1.3),,,,,,26