Purpose This report processes employees who are applicable for the revision ofstandard compensation amount of Health Insurance and Employee's pensionat the termination of parental leave, which mySAP ERP calls 'Geppen atthe termination of parental leave'. mySAP ERP divides those employeesinto two categories described below;
- A candidate for Geppen at the termination of parental leave>: is
an employee who meets the requirements for Geppen at the termination ofparental leave and Santei/Geppen evaluation report judges whether theemployee meets the requirements for it or not. Santei/Geppen evaluation report judges an employee as 'Geppen>', ' Geppen candidate>' or 'Santei>', and at the same time itjudges the employee as 'Cand. of Gep. prntl>' if he/she meets therequirements for Geppen at the termination of parental leave. mySAP ERPconsiders such an employee as a candidate of Geppen at thetermination of parental leave>. Because the employee should decidewhether to apply for Geppen at the termination of parental leave,Santei/Geppen evaluation report does not fix the status. If thecandidate applies for the procedures, you need to change his/her statusfrom ' Cand. of Gep. prntl>' to 'Fixed of Gep. prntl>' withSantei adjustment (Hokensha Santei) functionality or this report.Otherwise, the candidate will be included in Santei form if it isduringSantei period (June, July and August), because mySAP ERP considershim/her as the candidate not applying for Geppen at the termination ofparental leave.
- An applicant for Geppen at the termination of parental leave>: is
an employee who decides to apply for Geppen at the termination ofparental leave. During Santei period, you file not Santei form butGeppen at the termination of parental leave form> for theemployee. After executing Santei/Geppen evaluation report, you need toset the status 'Fixed of Gep. prntl>' for the employee withSantei adjustment functionality or this report. This report shows the list of candidates/applicants for Geppen at thetermination of parental leave. With this report, you can check whetherthere is a candidate/applicant for Geppen at the termination of parentalleave. On the list, you need to change the status of candidates to 'Fixed of Gep. prntl>' , who are judged as 'Cand. of Gep.prntl > in Santei/Geppen evaluation report and apply for Geppen at thetermination of parental leave. You can also refer to the list when you fill out Geppen at thetermination of parental leave forms> for Social Insurance Office orHealth Insurance Union. You don't need to execute this report if there is no candidate orapplicant for Geppen at the termination of parental leave.
- You need to complete Santei/Geppen evaluation and Santei adjustment
before executing this report. This report picks up employees who are judged as 'Cand. of Gep.prntl>' in Santei/Geppen evaluation or set the status 'Fixed ofGep.prntl>' in Santei adjustment. You need to complete Santei/Geppenevaluation and Santei adjustment before executing this report.
- You need to execute this report before executing Santei form report.
Santei form report covers employees with the status 'Santei>' or ' Geppen candidate>'. This means it also covers employees with thestatus 'Cand. of Gep. prntl>' because they has the status ' Santei>' or 'Geppen candidate>' as well during Santeiperiod. If there is a candidate who applies for Gepppen at thetermination of parental leave, you need to execute this report andchange the status of him/her to 'Fixed of Gep. prntl>', beforeexecuting Santei form report.
- This report selects employees who meet any of the following criteria;
Employees whose Health insurance and Employee's pension are both ' Cand. of Gep. prntl>' Employees whose Health insurance and Employee's pension are both ' Fixed of Gep. prntl>' Employees whose Health insurance or Employee's pension is 'Cand.ofGep. prntl >' Employees whose Health insurance or Employee's pension is ' FixedofGep. prntl>'
- This report has two screens described below;
Overview screen>: If you specify plural offices (Social insurance modifiers) in theselection screen and there is at least one candidate/applicant forGeppen at the termination of parental leave in plural officies. thisreport will show the Overview screen>. In this screen, you cancheck the office information and the number of candidates/applicants ineach office. When you specify one of the offices and press 'EmployeeList >' button , you can go to the Detail screen >. If youspecify only one office in the selection screen or there is only oneoffice with candidates/applicants among specified offices, not theOverview screen> but the Detail screen> will be shown. Detail screen>: The Detail screen> will show the list of candidates/applicantsforGeppen at the termination of parental leave with SAP List viewer(ALV). In this screen, you can change the status of candidates to ' Fixed ofGep. prntl>', by selecting candidates and press ' FixGep. At PrntlSts >' button. If you do this operation duringSantei period, the status 'Santei>' and 'Geppen andidate>'which are set in Santei/ Geppen evaluation report will be cleared. You can also refer to the screen when you fill out Geppen at thetermination of parental leave forms> for Social Insurance Office orHealth Insurance Union. SAP recommends using Filter functionality in SAPList viewer and extract applicants for Geppen at the termination ofparental leave only from employees displayed in the list. In the selection screen, specify Target year>,Target month >,Santei/Geppen rule>, SI Mod. of Target Br. Office> andDate of submission>. Execute the report. If you specify plural offices (SI Mod. of Target Br. Office>) inthe selection screen and there is at least one candidate/applicant forGeppen at the termination of parental leave in plural offices, thisreport will show the Overview screen>. Specify one office youprocess and press ' Employee List>' button, and you can go to theDetail screen >. In the Detail screen>, check candidates/applicants for Geppen atthe termination of parental leave. Select candidates who apply forGeppen at the termination of parental leave, press ' Fix Gep.AtPrntl Sts>' button. You can see the status of selected candidateschanged to 'Fixed of Gep. prntl>'. Extract employees with the status 'Fix Gep. At Prntl Sts>' fromemployees displayed in the list with Filter functionality in SAP listviewer, and refer to their data when you fill out Geppen at thetermination of parental leave forms> for them.