Purpose You use this function to create a batch-input file to update employee'sstandard compensation amount and its corresponding grade stored in SIPremium Data infotype (0141). The batch-input file contains informationfor both Health Insurance and Employee's Pension. You run Batch input for Santei/Geppen result to Infotype 0141 report(RPCSIHJ0)> to achieve this.Prerequisites
- There should no longer be any employee who needs Santei Adjustment.
This report is integrated with Hokeisya Santei function. If there isdata of an employee who has not yet completed Santei Adjustment in thedatabase, the system terminates the operation and displays an errormessage, informing you to complete the Santei Adjustment. To completeSantei Adjustment means that, there is no one to be adjusted in theSantei Adjustment Selection Report and all the employees have beenreleased.Features