SAP Program RPCSHGJ0 - GEPPEN Form Data File for SI Office

This report creates date file (CSV format) for Health Insurance andEmployees Pension Insurance Geppen Form that is for Social Insurance(SI) Office. Data file can be for magnetic media (Floppy Disk, MagnetoOptical disk) and electronic filing via Internet. The data is taken fromthe Santei Geppen Evaluation result in the database.


  • There should be no employee needs Santei Adjustment.

  • This report is integrated with Santei Adjustment function. If there isdata of an employee who has not yet completed Santei Adjustment in thedatabase, the system terminates the operation and displays an errormessage, informing you to complete the Santei Adjustment. To completeSantei Adjustment means that, there is no one to be adjusted in theSantei Adjustment Selection Report and all the employees have beenreleased.
    This report only covers employees with Santei Geppen evaluation resultin "Geppen" status.


    • It is possible to specify for which insurance type (Health insurance
    • pension or pension only) geppen data file is to be created.
      When you select Health insurance & Pension, employees meet any ofthe following criteria are included in the output:
      Employees whose Health Insurance and Employees Pension are both Geppen;
      Employees whose Health Insurance is Geppen and Employee's Pension isSantei;
      Employees whose Health Insurance is Santei and Employee's Pension isGeppen;
      Employees whose Health Insurance is Geppen and Employee's Pension isGeppen Candidate;
      Employees whose Health Insurance is Geppen Candidate and Employee'sPension is Geppen;
      Employees whose Health Insurance is Geppen and Employee's Pension is notinsured;
      Employees whose Health Insurance is Geppen and Employee's Pension is notchanged;
      Employees whose Health Insurance is not changed and Employee's Pensionis Geppen;
      When you select Pension only, employees meet any of the followingcriteria are included in the output:
      Employees whose Employee's Pension is Geppen;
      • It is possible to specify more than one target branch office to which
      • Geppen Form data is to be created.
        • It is possible to create data file for floppy disk, magnet optical disk
        • and electronic filing via Internet.
          • It is possible to specify the size (volume) of disk media to be used.
          • 1.44Mb and 1.25Mb are supported for floppy disk (FD) and 230Mb and 640Mbare supported for magneto optical disk (MO).
            For magneto optical disk, number of data record saved in a disk islimited to 99999 records. For electronic filing, number of data recordsaved in a file is limited to 20000 record and the size of a file isalso limited to 4.5Mb.
            • If the volume of output data is larger than specified disk media size,
            • the report automatically divides output data into multiple files withspecified volume and attaches sequential numbers to file names. (EX:SHFD0006.CSV001, SHFD0006.CSV002)
              Note that when a data file is saved to a disk media, you need to editfile name (extension) to take out sequential number. Sequential numberis to be used as a label of disk media.
              • It is possible to save the output file to TemSe, to an application
              • server and directly to a local PC.
                • It is possible to display detailed data of employee records and office
                • record that are stored in the data file. By pushing "Employee detail
                  " or "Office detail" on the application tool bar of resultscreen, respective data will is shown with SAP List Viewer format.
                  • When there is an error record(s) caused by insufficient employee data
                  • and/or branch office data, it is possible to check such record(s). Incase an error record(s) is detected, buttons labeled "Employee"and/or "Office" with error icon are displayed on the applicationtool bar of result screen. By pushing these buttons, corresponding errorrecord(s) will be shown in the pop-up screen.
                    • A Business Add In (BAdI) is available to set (or edit) remarks column
                    • field (Bikou-ran Kanji 37 characters / Alpha-numeric 75characters) in Geppen Form data file. Data fields except remarks columnfield (Bikou-ran) in Geppen Form data file are all set by thereport. To set data to this remarks column field (Bikou-ran),please implement BAdI provided. For detailed information of how toimplement BAdI, please refer to the implementation guide listed below.
                      Payroll: Japan
                      -> Social Insurance
                      -> Submission with Data Media/Electronic Filing to SocialInsutance Office
                      -> BAdI: Maintain GEPPEN Form Data File Editing Module
                      It is technically possible to edit (change) data in the fields otherthan remarks column field (Bikou-ran) that are defined forinternal table to creating data file via BAdI provided. If you intend tochange data set by the standard, please pay special caution not tocreate wrong application record. For details about BAdI, please refer tothe interface documents of above BAdI.

                      First, you need to specify for which Target year and PeriodGeppen form data to be created.
                      For employee selection, you can specify employee number(s) or range ofnumbers.
                      As selection conditions, you need to specify Santei Geppen rule.
                      As selection conditions, you can specify social insurance modifier fortarget branch office (SI Mod. of Target Br. Office).
                      Specifying social insurance modifier for target branch office has effecton selecting Geppen Form data of employees who are selected by employeeselection condition in the specified period.
                      Note that if you leave blank entry for social insurance modifier fortarget branch office, then all branch offices defined by parametersetting will be processed. Thus, you will be requested to make an entryfor social insurance consultant's information in Output conditiontab.
                      As selection conditions, change default Create date if necessary.
                      As output condition, you need to specify which insurance type (
                      Health insurance & Pension or Pension only) Geppen datafile is to be created based on the actual scenario of your company.
                      If you create Geppen data file for more than one social insurancemodifier for target branch office (SI Mod. of Target Br. Office),you need to specify the code and name (kanji) of certified socialinsurance consultant as output condition.
                      As output file attributes, you need to specify FD serial number(starting number) and target media type.
                      As file output destination, you need to specify output destinationoption. If you choose application server as output destination, you alsoneed to specify File output path (on server). If you want to saveoutput data file directly into a local PC or TemSe, then you do not needto specify File output path (on server).
                      When you output a file to TemSe, the TemSe object has a following name.
                      HR_CSHGJ1_(FD serial number)
                      The report stores data file(s) in the directory on an application serverspecified by File output path (on server). Thus, proper authorizationmust be set for the directory in an application server beforehand.
                      Execute the report.
                      At the result screen, a list of output file(s) is displayed.
                      When there is an error record(s) caused by insufficient employee dataand/or branch office data, buttons labeled "Employee" and/or "
                      Office" with error icon are displayed on the application tool barof result screen. Push these buttons, to check error record(s) and makenecessary corrections. Then, re-execute the report to obtain correctdata file.
                      Save data to appropriate media.
                      If you select application server as output destination and specifiedFile output path (on server), then output file(s) were alreadysaved in the directory in the application server you specified. Useappropriate software tool to retrieve and save output data file(s) toappropriate media.
                      If you want to save output file(s) into a local PC, then select a line(a file) and push Download button on the application tool bar.The reports only propose the file name SHFD0006.CSV as a default. You donot need to change this file name if you save output data file directlyinto a magnetic media of a local PC.
                      If you select TemSe as output destination then you can download the filewith utility report List of HR TemSe Objects (RPUTSV00) orDownload HR TemSe Object (RPUTSVJ0).