Purpose You use this report to calculate theseniority> of public sectoremployees. You can then use this data in your organization's annualreporting and to manage employee promotions, career progression,selection of eligible employees, andmobility> processes.Prerequisites You have defined the necessary calculations in the IMG activitiesdescribed in Seniority>.Features The system can calculate the following two main types of employeeseniority:
- Seniority based on the current date and entrance date in public sector
less the number of days of absence and leave This seniority data is always available for an employee. If the employeeceases to work in the public sector, the seniority calculation stops,but recontinues if the employee rejoins the public sector.
- Seniority based on career, category, scale, and organization
This seniority data is calculated according to the current date and thestart of career, category, scale, and organization less the number ofdays of absence and leave. If an employee's career, category, scale, or organization changes, thesystem recalculates the employee's seniority for the new situation. The system deducts the following types of absences from the finalseniority result: