Description This report allows you to generate a transmission file in ASCII formatto your local PC for the savings bond purchase use. You, then, cansubmit the file to the servicing Federal Reserve Bank via the media(e.g., tape, cartridge, diskette or transmission eletronically) whichyou specified. Precondition
- Company name> is maintained in table T001.
- Company address> is maintained in table T500P.
- Your company has a valid Company ID> assigned by the Federal
Reserve Bank. This information is stored in table T5UPBSB1.
- Your company has a valid Location ID> assigned by the Federal
Reserve Bank. This information is stored in table T5UPBSB2.
- Federal Reserve Bank has provided your organization the servicing
FRB District Designator>. This information is stored in tableT5UPBSB1.Output This report displays all successfully processed employees with a'Green' traffic light in front of the record. All employees with errors have a 'Red' traffic light in front of therecord. Users can either double click on a 'Red' traffic light to seeerror messages for an individual employee or click on the 'Error' iconto see all error messages occurred during processing. Savings bondtransmission file will not be generated if there is any error occursduring the data process. In another words, all errors must be correctedbefore the transmission can be generated. The report issues a message indicating the name of the TemSe file thatwas created. You can access this file either via TemSe administrationin the CCMS component by choosing Tools -> CCMS>, then Spool-> TemSe contents> and entering the TemSe filename or through thisreport. found for the employee.