Title This report produces a list with data for the selected employees, whichcan be used, after being exported to MS Excel, to easily fill thefields in the Earnings Survey or the Work Schedule Survey, depending onthe choice made in the selection screen. Precondition Perform customising activities on the following objects:
- Table T5PTC
Maintain the types for report-relevant absences; the absence types thatare relevant are: 10; 11; 13 - immediately excludes EE from the report; 01-03; 13; 16; 17 - sickness related types; EE is excluded if absence is longer than one month; Maintain the types for work schedules; particularly relevant is type'05' (Reduced work schedule);
- Table T512W
Maintain the values for the evaluation classes 12 and 13 in therelevant wage types. Particularly important are the values 01, 34, 23,24, 25, 26, 27, 37 and 38 for evaluation class 12. For the values 38and all others (considered allowances), the values of evaluation class13 also have to be maintained. Make sure that wage types /856 (Effectively worked hours) and /852(Overtime hours) are being correctly filled;
- Feature SCHKZ
This feature defaults the work schedule rule in infotype 0007. Thisdefault work schedule rule is for this report considered the"reference" work schedule for that particular grouping of employees;Output The reports produces as output a table containing the necessary data tobe summarized for the respective survey. By pressing the "Excel"button, the table is sent to MS Excel where a pivot table can bedefined in order to obtain the summary of information necessary to eachform "block". The pivot table can be defined already in R/3, if whenexporting the data to MS Excel, the checkbox "Pivot Table" is set inexporting the data to MS Excel, the checkbox "Pivot Table" is set inthe "MS Excel Settings" dialog box. Some examples on how to define the pivot table from R/3 are givenbelow: (For all the examples, make sure, in the MS Excel sheet, that thefields"Pers.area" and "P.subarea" refer to the pretended'Estabelecimento'). Work Schedule Survey - form blocks 1 and 2 ("Trabalhadores Por Conta deOutrém a Tempo Completo - Duração do Trabalho" and ("Trabalhadores PorConta de Outrém a Tempo Parcial - Duração do Trabalho") Page Line Column Data Operation Pers.area X P.subarea X Gr.Cntr X ProfLevel X Gender X Part-Time X Day.W.Prc. X Total Av.Wk.Hrs X Mean value Mon.Py.Hrs X Total Mon.Ov.Hrs X Total (In the MS Excel sheet, make sure the field "Gr.Cntr" refers to thecorrect group of employees, namely 'TCO'). Earnings Survey - form block 3 ("Salário Mínimo") Page Line Column Data Operation Pers.area X P.subarea X Gr.Cntr X Gender X X Number Under 25 X Minim.Wage X (In the MS Excel sheet, make sure the field "Minim.Wage" has the value'X' and the field "Gr.Cntr" refers to the correct group of employees,namely 'TCO'). Earnings Survey - form block 4 ("Outros Encargos do Estabelecimento comos TCO") Page Line Column Data Operation Pers.area X P.subarea X Gr.Cntr X Leg.Expend (4.1) X Total Contr.Exp. (4.2.1) X Total EE Soc All (4.2.2) X Total (In the MS Excel sheet, make sure the field "Gr.Cntr" refers to thecorrect group of employees, typically 'TCO' or 'All').