Title HR-PT: Remuneration Sheet (Printed Form) Purpose Provide the Social Security institutions where the company isregistered with a monthly list of the remunerations paid to eachemployee in a given month as well as the total contributions. EachRemuneration Sheet groups all the employees that belong to the sameSocial Security regime. The Remuneration Sheet must have the signature and the stamp of thecompany issuing it and must be approved by the Workers' Commission, ifit exists (Article 7, Act No.103/80 of May 9). The Remuneration Sheet must be delivered to the appropriate authoritiesin the 15th of the following month. Prerequisites The Remuneration Sheet can be generated only after the payroll is runand its resulting data are stored in the cluster. The beneficiaries are listed alphabetically and divided in two groups:those who were already listed in the previous Remuneration Sheet, andthose who are listed for the first time (hiring) together with thosewho have no Social Security number. Every employee, independently from their remuneration type, contractduration or working hours, is included in the Remuneration Sheet. Forexample: administrators, directors, managers, members of the board andso on. All the values included in the list are rounded up. Difference or retroactive payments must be referred in the RemunerationSheet of the month when they are paid. Indicate in the observationcolumn to which months they correspond. Standard_variants Output Printed form containing the specifications and information required bythe Social Security institution. It is not necessary to use the formsprovided by the Social Security Regional Centers. Activities See IMG activity: Maintain properties for entities> |