Title Regional Services Council (RSC) Levies Purpose This report allows you to report RSC levy contribution amounts indetail. Features The system processes RSC levies as follows: The payroll driver calculates RSC levies by first determining anemployee's RSC code>. This RSC code >is defaulted from anemployee's Organizational Assignment >from >infotype(0001) by the feature WRSCA >(which can be overwritten byselecting an entry in the RSC Allocation> field on infotypeTaxes SA (0149)>). Next, the system determines an employee's remuneration base for RSCapplicable earnings by cumulating together those wage types set to thecumulation class 15 (RSC Applicable earnings). The parameter PREP > from the function WRSC> takes those wage types with thecumulation 15 to recalculate the value of wage type /115 (RSCApplicable Earnings). This information is then processed together with the specifications inthe Regional Services Councils> table (V_T5W81), which includestariff and creditor information for each RSC code. The result is then stored in the technical wage type (/495) in thepayroll results table (RT) per the work place /basic pay (WPBP) split. A variable split (VO) is also created with information from the RSCcode, which can be used for reporting purposes.Activities To customize system parameters, see in the IMG: Payroll SouthAfrica -> South African Reports -> > RegionalServices Council (RSC) Levies>. |