Title Record of Employment (ROE) - Exporter/Importer (RPCROEK0_XMPORTER) Purpose The ROE Exporter> and the ROE Importer >are the two ROEWorkbench applications that are used in succession for Printing ROEForms Manually. If your enterprise, over time, has established the alternative practiceof Printing ROE Forms Automatically, then you do not need to concernyourself with these applications, although the ROE Workbench willcontinue to run them in the back ground during the production (that is,printing) of ROE forms. If you wish to print ROE forms manually, then you must first execute theROE Exporter in the foreground, then use it to export ROE form data forprinting.
- To access the ROE Exporter, execute the ROE
Run Viewer report (RPCROEK0_RUN_VIEWER)>, then choose any tabstripexcept Void>. Select the dataset you wish to export, then chooseExport Run>. Once you have exported ROE form data and, where applicable, printed it,you must then import this data into my SAP HR Payroll. Therefore,execute the ROE Importer in the foreground, then use it to import ROEform data into your system.
- To access the ROE Importer, execute the ROE Run Viewer>, then
choose the In Process> tabstrip. Select the dataset you wish toimport, then choose Import Run>.Prerequisites Before you may generate ROE form data via the ROE Workbench, yourenterprise is required to have performed the configuration activitiesfound within the Payroll Canada> Implementation Guide (IMG) underthe following chapter: Reporting and Statistics> -> Record of Employment (ROE) >Features If your enterprise uses Laser ROE, which prints the ROE forms manually,then the ROE Exporter> and ROE Importer >consists of thefollowing features:
- The ROE Exporter >
The ROE Run ID> field, containing the run ID of the form datasetto be exported. The entry in this field cannot be changed manually. The Presentation server> and Application server>, select oneof the two options and specify the file path to be used for export. The checkbox Launch ROE Laser Print>, which is active by default.To launch ROE Laser Print immediately upon export, leave this checkboxactive. To launch ROE Laser Print at a later time, de-select thischeckbox.
- The ROE Importer>
The ROE Run ID> field, containing the run ID of the form datasetto be imported. The entry in this field cannot be changed manually. The Presentation server> and Application server>, select oneof the two options and specify the file path to be used for import. The checkbox Test Import>, which is active by default. To performa test import, leave this checkbox active. To perform a live import,de-select this checkbox. If your enterprise uses Web ROE, which uploads the ROE forms in bulkformat to the Human Resource and Social Development Canada (HRSDC) webpage, then the ROE Exporter >and ROE Importer >consists ofthe following features:
- The ROE Exporter >
The ROE Run ID> field, containing the run ID of the form datasetto be exported. The entry in this field cannot be changed manually. The Presentation server >and Application server>, select oneof the two options and specify the file path to be used for export. Draft> and Final>, which specifies the Submission mode >. Select one of the two options: Draft> - System only verifies the ROE form dataset and do notassign any serial number. Final> - System verifies the ROE form dataset. If it is a validROE form dataset, then a serial number is assigned. Otherwise, youhave to modify and resubmit the ROE form dataset.
- The ROE Importer>
The ROE Run ID> field, containing the run ID of the form datasetto be imported. The entry in this field cannot be changed manually. The Presentation server> and Application server>, select oneof the two options and specify the path for XML file to be imported. The checkbox Test Import>, which is active by default. To performa test import, leave this check box active. To perform a live import,de-select this checkbox. Note You can maintain the ROE serial numbers generated by the ROE webapplication, in the following ways:
- Manually
- Import serial numbers using ROE importer
Activities The ROE Exporter/Importer> are used, respectively:
- To export ROE form datasets to ROE Laser Print for subsequent printing
or to upload to HRSDC web page
- To import completed ROE form datasets (and their valid HRDC serial
numbers) after printing You cannot use the ROE Exporter/Importer for any other administrationpurpose.