Title Record of Employment (ROE) - History Viewer (RPCROEK0_EE_VIEWER) Purpose The ROE History Viewer> is the sole ROE Workbench application thatprovides users with an overview of all ROE form datasets currentlystored within their system. The ROE History Viewer is also the onlyROE Workbench> application that enables users to view and filterROE form data by individual personnel numbers, or by personnel numberranges. This application, unlike its counterparts, is the only one thatyou can use to gain an overview of ROE form datasets by personnelnumber, HRDC serial number, and amended status. To access this application, execute the ROERun Viewer report (RPCROEK0_RUN_VIEWER)>, then choose ROE HistoryViewer from the application toolbar.Prerequisites Before you may generate ROE form data via the ROE Workbench, yourenterprise is required to have performed the configuration activitiesfound within the Payroll Canada> Implementation Guide (IMG) underthe following chapter: Reporting and Statistics> -> Record of Employment (ROE) >Features The ROE History Viewer >stores ROE form data within five separateprocessing areas, divided by tabstrips. The names and functions of theseprocessing areas are as follows:
- All>
Stores summary compilation of all form datasets stored in any othertabstrip at right.
- New>
Stores form datasets that have been created, but not printed, voided orexported.
- In Process>
Stores form datasets awaiting subsequent export for (or import upon)printing.
- Completed>
Stores form datasets that have been assigned HRDC serial numbers andprinted.
- Void>
Stores form datasets that have been voided in any other processing area. Each tabstrip, in turn, provides an overview of the form datasetscontained therein, based on the following criteria set:
- Personnel No>
Indicates personnel number of employee(s) for whom you generated the ROEform dataset(s).
- Run ID>
Indicates Run ID assigned to form dataset, based on number rangeinterval defined in the following section of the Payroll Canada>Implementation Guide (IMG): Reporting and Statistics> -> Record of Employment (ROE)>
- Status>
Indicates status of form dataset, for example Voided, Completed, New, InProcess, or Completed with errors.
- Serial No>
Indicates HRDC serial number of the form dataset, provided it is notamended.
- Amended>
Indicates HRDC serial number of the form dataset, provided it isamended.
- Created by>
Indicates User ID of person who created form dataset, not the person whoprocessed it last.
- Date>
Indicates the date last processing action occurred, not the date ofcreation. In addition to the processing areas described above and overviewscontained therein, the ROE History Viewer> enables you to bothfilter and scroll down through the ROE form datasets shown in anyprocessing area.
- To filter> the form datasets displayed in any processing area,
make field entries in the Selection criteria >section. Here youmay specify a personnel number (or range thereof), in the PersonnelNo.> field(s), an ROE Run ID (or range there of) in the ROE Run ID > field(s), the creation date (or range thereof) in the Created On>field(s), the User ID of the creator in the Created By> field,or any combination of these four entries.
- To scroll down through> the form datasets displayed in any
processing area, specify the number. For example, 720 out of 900 of thedesired Run ID in the Record >field. Finally, you may double-click any form dataset stored in the ROE HistoryViewer to access the ROE Workbench - Detailsreport (RPCROEK0_DETAILS)>.Output Activities As summarized below, the ROE History Viewer> is used to attain anoverview of all >>ROE forms that are currently stored inyour system, to view and filter ROE form data by individual personnelnumbers or personnel number ranges, and to review ROE form datasets bypersonnel number, HRDC serial number, and amended status. You can also use the ROE History Viewer to void ROE forms for individualpersonnel numbers. To do so, select the corresponding personnel number record(s), thenchoose Void>. You can also use the ROE History Viewer to delete any voided ROE form bypersonnel number, provided that no valid HRDC serial number has beenassigned to it. To do so, choose the tabstrip Void>, select the correspondingpersonnel number record(s), then choose Delete Run>. You cannot use the ROE History Viewer for any other administrationpurpose. Note The ROE History Viewer >only voids and deletes ROE form data forthe individual personnel number(s) you specify. If you prefer to voidand delete ROE form data for all personnel numbers in a selected run,use the ROE Run Viewer> instead.