Purpose You use this report to support employeemobility> by listing allrelevant employee data in the form of a remuneration guide. The systemretrieves master data that is valid at the time that the employeetransfers from one organization to another. You can print out this document for employees to give to anotherorganization.Integration The system retrieves data from the following infotypes: 0001 >Organizational Assignment> 0002>,,Personal Data> 0006>,,Addresses> 0008>,,Basic Pay> 0009>,,Bank Details> 0045>,,Loans> 0057 >Membership Fees> 0185>,,Personal IDs> 0331>,,Tax PT> 0332 >Social Security PT> 0337>,,Prof.Classificat. PT> 2006>,,Absence Quotas>Prerequisites You have defined the settings required to process mobility data forpublic sector employees in Customizing for Payroll >by choosingPayroll: Portugal -> Enhancements for Public Sector Portugal ->Mobillity>. You have defined the wage types in the Wage Type Valuation> table(T512W>) by using the appropriate evaluation class. The system only includes the specified wage types when you run thereport.Features The header of the report contains the title of the report, the name ofthe employee's original organization, and the report date. You can print the following types of employee data:
- Personal details>
Full Name, Category, Birth Date, Nationality, Address, Postal Code /City, Identify Card ID Number, Date of Issue, Place of Issue, Valid To.
- Tax data>
Tax No. Tax Office, Fiscal Name, Core Income category, Savings tax rate,Married / Not Married, Spouse with income, Spouse Handicapped,Residence, No dependents, No Handicapped Dependents.
- Professional data>
Pay Scale Type, Area, Group and Level.
- Salary data>
Wage type, Amount, Number/unit.
- Bank details>
Bank Id Number ( Key ; Account ; Control Key )
- Family allowances>
Wage types
- Deductions> >(for example,
ADSE> orCGA> contributions) Wage type, Member type, Membership Member.
- Seniority data>
Seniority Count in Public Sector ( Days, Months, Years), Seniority Countin Career ( Career Name, Days, Months, Years), Seniority Count inCategory ( Category Name, Days, Months, Years), Seniority Count in Scale( Scale Name, Days, Months, Years), Seniority Count in Organization (Organization Name, Days, Months, Years),
- Loans>
Description, Loan Amount Granted, and Month Pay Amount.