Description This report allows a check on payroll results for a payroll area in aparticular period. It offers four different basic lists: Display Payroll Results Check Payroll Summary Payment to Collector of Taxes Breakdown of Payments From any of those lists you can transfer to any of the others using theoption keys. You can also transfer to the following or previous period. Preconditions The Payroll Results Check Tool generation (RPURECG0) must have been runfor the relevant period and payroll area. The list of wagetypes for the payroll results check screen isdetermined by the first letter of evaluation class 15, where spacemeans 'not to be printed' and 'A' means the opposite. This choice canbe overruled by specifying the wagetypes on the selection screen. The wagetypes for the payroll summary screen are determined by thesecond letter of evaluation class 15. The letter determines the placeon the screen where the wagetype is printed (and cumulated): 'A' Gross Payment 'F' negative Gross Payment 'B' Other Payment 'G' negative Other Payment 'C' Deductions 'H' negative Deductions 'D' Net Pay 'I' negative Net Pay 'E' Employer Cost 'J' negative Employer Cost The 'small employer' check box applies to the 'payment to collector oftaxes' screen only. The 'keep leavers till end of year' check box enables you to put thereport into a mode which includes those employees who have left duringthe current tax year. As they have no payroll results their cumulativeresults would normally not be included in the results of the wholepayroll area. Output The Payroll Results Check Display shows this period's results of thepayroll area. The display is set up in such a way that the 'basicequation of payroll results check' contains: cumulated_results_in_this_period_for_this_period = cumulated_results_in_last_period_for_last_period + results_in_this_period_for_this_period + retroactive_changes_in_this_period_for_previous_periods_this_year + adjustments where 'adjustments' refers to changes in the membership of the payrollarea. If the basic equation does not hold for a wagetype, it will beprinted in red. From this screen you can call up further informationregarding retroactive changes and adjustments. The Payroll Summary shows cumulative values for the whole payroll area,including Employers' costs. If payments on the one side and deductionsand net pay on the other do not match, a warning will be printed. The 'payment to collector of taxes' is used to audit the Tax Paid andNI Paid. The 'breakdown of payments' provides a figure per method of payment forthe number of employees paid and the total amount. A warning will bedisplayed if the payments do not match wagetype /560 (amount paid). |