Description This report, which is accessed from the payroll calendar, enables youto schedule payroll jobs for an entire calendar year. The payrollcalendar is called up via the menu path Human resources -> Payroll ->Tools. The first time you call up the job scheduling function, a dialog box isdisplayed in which you are required to specify the country grouping.You are not, of course, required to do this if the country groupingvalue has already been specified in the user parameters for set/getparameter ID 'MOL' (for the country grouping). Use the group box 'Payroll period', which is included in the selectionscreen for scheduling payroll jobs, to determine the periods of thespecified year for which the payroll jobs must be scheduled. Pleasenote that the start period must come after the current period. Now specify the payroll areas that you require in the appropriateselection field. The group box 'Number of payroll jobs' enables you to determine whetherthe payroll areas are processed separately or together. Choose 'Payrollareas separate' if you want to create a separate job for each of thepayroll areas within the range selected. The same number of payrolljobs are then created for each period as the number of specifiedpayroll areas. Choose 'Payroll areas together' if all of the selectedpayroll areas must be processed together in one single job. The group box 'Further control' allows you to specify important datafor the payroll driver. Irrespective of the payroll areas you havealready selected, all other data for the payroll driver selectionscreen is taken from a variant that has already been created. You canspecify the name of this variant in the field 'Payroll variant'. If you have not created an appropriate variant already (F4 help), youcan use the pushbutton 'Create variant' to access the payroll reportselection screen directly. You can then create the required variant onthis screen. Please ensure that you only save the variant and do NOTexecute the payroll report. Once you have saved the variant, use thefunction 'Back' to return to the job scheduling selection screen. The personnel numbers from this model variant are not used, as the jobsthat have been set up always process complete payroll areas only. Names are given to scheduled jobs in accordance with the followingconvention. The name consists of the text 'Payroll:', the payroll areaor areas, the period, and the year. If the payroll areas must beprocessed separately, each name includes just one payroll area. If thepayroll areas must be processed together, the payroll area specified inthe parameter field 'To' is added to the name. Example job names: - 'Payroll: X1 12/1996' for payroll areas processed separately - 'Payroll: X1-X3 12/1996' for payroll areas processed together When the payroll jobs are created, new variants must be created for thepayroll driver which it then uses when executed. The names of thesegenerated variants include the prefix 'PR:' to indicate that they areused for the payroll calendar. To provide you with more detailedinformation, the job name is enhanced by the payroll area indicator andthe year. The generated variant can be used independently of theperiod, for which reason the name does not include the period number. Example of variant names for the payroll driver: On the selection screen, payroll areas D1 to D2 are specified and'Payroll areas separate' is chosen. Two jobs are scheduled and twovariants created. The names of the generated variants are 'PR:D1 1998'and 'PR:D2 1998'. Please take careful note of the difference between the two types ofvariant to which this text refers. 1. The variant that you specify on the selection screen and which isused as a model for all parameters, except for the periods and payrollareas. The payroll program is NOT executed using this variant. 2. The generated variants that are created within job scheduling andwhich are used for the payroll run. Their names begin with 'PR:'. Theparameter values in this variant consist of those taken from the modelvariant and of the values selected above for the payroll areas. Thepayroll period is set to 'current period'. Now specify the system start time at which the job must be executed inthe field 'Start time'. In the schedule field, specify the schedule inwhich you want the overview of the selected payroll areas to beincluded. You can store as many payroll areas in one schedule as youlike. Alternatively, you can determine that each payroll area has itsown schedule. Set the checkbox 'Release payroll automatically' if the personnelcontrol record must be set to the status 'released for payroll' inaccordance with the scheduled job. If you do not set this checkbox, youmust set the status manually before executing the job. For this reason,this checkbox is particularly important with regard to executing thepayroll program. If the personnel control record is not assigned thestatus 'released for payroll' before the job is started, either by thejob itself or by the user, the job is executed but the payroll programis cancelled. An appropriate message is then included in the log. The checkbox 'Access calendar' enables you to determine whether thecalendar is displayed after the jobs have been scheduled. You can, ofcourse, choose not to set this checkbox, return to the initial payrollcalendar screen once you have finished scheduling the jobs, and thenaccess the calendar from the initial screen. Depending on the country grouping, the selection screen may alsoinclude the pushbuttons 'Date' and 'Workday'. If the selection screenfor your country version does not include these pushbuttons, thepayroll dates are read from the appropriate control table which meansthat you cannot use this screen to influence the scheduling date. If the pushbuttons are displayed on your selection screen, use them tospecify the scheduling date. You can effect scheduling either using thedate or using the workday relative to the beginning of the month or theend of the month. Scheduling using the date: If you click on the pushbutton 'Date', the parameters required for thisform of scheduling are displayed on the selection screen. The field'Day' enables you to specify the day of the month on which the payrollrun must be scheduled. You can impose a further restriction on this dayparameter by using the group box 'Restrictions', in which you candetermine that the payroll can only be executed on a workday inaccordance with the specified factory calendar. If you set the checkbox'Perform on workdays only', the program's execution can be broughtforward to a workday or it can be postponed. If the specified day is no longer included in the month, the last dayof the month is used for scheduling. Scheduling using the workday: If you click on the pushbutton 'Workday', the parameters required forthis form of scheduling are displayed on the selection screen. You cannow schedule the payroll job for a fixed workday relative to the startof the month or the end of the month in accordance with the specifiedfactory calendar. Example: If scheduling must be effected for the 3rd workday relative to the endof the month, you must enter the following: Factory calendar 01 Workday 3 Beginning of month _ End of month x If the 30th and 31st of a month were a weekend, the 27th of the monthwould constitute the scheduling day. Execution Once you have set all of the parameters, use the function 'Execute' tostart job scheduling. A window is displayed for setting the printparameters and which also enables you to send information directly to aprinter. The default setting determines that information is written tothe spool. Once all of the payroll jobs have been scheduled, a dialog box isdisplayed containing messages. Providing that there are no errormessages which cause the program's execution to be cancelled, thewindow might contain a list of possible warnings and then, as the lastentry, the number of scheduled jobs. Please check that this number isfeasible. Warning messages might indicate, for example, that a variant hasalready been created and did not, therefore, need to be regenerated, orthat a job has already been scheduled and was not, therefore, created asecond time. In the latter case, please check that the existing job hasbeen defined correctly. If the list includes error messages that refer to customizing, you canselect them and then use the function Customizing> to access theIMG directly. You can then solve the problems causing the errors. Ifyou have set the parameter 'Access calendar', access is effected oncethe dialog box has been exited. The function Back> always takes you back to the job schedulingselection screen or to the initial payroll calendar screen.Precondition You must create a schedule in the customizing system, as well as theversion of the payroll driver that is used for the country grouping. Output The scheduled jobs, which you can display in the payroll calendar andin the job overview, are the result of executing this report. Whetheror not the report is executed successfully is documented by appropriatemessages, as described above. |