Description Report RPCPL2D0 runs different evaluations with the results of thegarnishments/cessions valid for the selected payroll periods. Note This is a new development. The evaluations are displayed using screentechnology. The report which existed up to Release 4.6C (RPCPL1D0) willnot be developed further/maintained. Input If you only want information on particular garnishments/cessions, youenter the garnishment type and/or garnishment number in the selectionscreen. The results displayed are the most recent results for theperiods selected in the selection screen. If you select a personnel number, garnishment, or period in the treestructure of the display screen, you can display the accompanyinginformation in the tabstrips for the display screen. The symbols in the garnishment tree have the following meaning @01@ Repaid garnishments @JL@ Garnishments in payroll that have not been repaid @AZ@ Garnishments never honored Output Complete statistics When the garnishment statistics are selected in the tree, the completestatistics are highlighted. These statistics contain information on thenumber of personnel numbers selected in the selection screens and thenumber of personnel numbers with garnishments. The garnishments aresplit up according to garnishment type and according to their positionmaster data or payroll. If the report is run for several personnelnumbers with garnishments, the complete statistics are first displayedin the display area. Overview of garnishments When a personnel number is selected, the overview is highlighted in thedisplay screen. The garishment history and list of periods are hidden. All garnishments for the selected personnel number, arranged accordingto garnishments in payroll and garnishments never served, are displayedon the display screen. Under Garnishments in payroll>, the system displays informationon the creditor, total retention amount, remaining claim, regularclaim, credit, number of maintenance beneficiaries, garnishment status,date served, and time served. If the garnishment is flagged as'Repaid', you should set the garnishment status in master data to"Ended on" and enter the repayment date. After several payroll periods,you can delimit the garnishment so that it does not appear in theevaluation. Garnishments never honored> are displayed with information on thecreditor, total claim, regular claim, number of maintenancebeneficiaries, garnishment status, date served, and time served.Garnishment history If an honored garnishment is selected in the tree, the garnishmenthistory is displayed. You can scroll through the overview for theaccompanying personnel number, however, the list of periods is notdisplayed. If a garnishment is selected and it has not yet beenhonored, the overview for the accompanying personnel number ishighlighted. All periods for which a bank transfer took place or for which a creditwas retained are highlighted. Information on the claim, the retentionamount, remaining claim, credit, employer costs, retained employercosts, and remaining employer costs per period is displayed. In addition, the creditor name and date/time that the garnishment wasserved are also given. If available, the issue date and reference forthe garnishment and bank transfer ruling are also given along with thename of the court responsible. List of periods When periods are selected in the tree, the period list is displayed. Byscrolling in the tabstrip, you can link to the overview of accompanyingpersonnel numbers or to the history of the accompanying garnishments. The garnishment basis, garnishable amount, repayment amount, andretention amounts are displayed for the selected periods. For more information on the displayed fields, see the F1 Help. Either the selected personnel number or all personnel numbers selectedon the screen can be printed. You can print the history or the list ofselected periods for one personnel number>. For severalpersonnel numbers>, you can print the overview, history, and/or listof periods. The overview for all personnel numbers, the history for allpersonnel numbers, and/or the list of periods for the periods selectedin the screen can be printed for all garnishments. If you select thecomplete statistics, all information on the screen with the same nameis printed. The printing functions for the report are restricted toprinting the following information
- Overview: personnel number, debtor name, breakdown according to
garnishments in payroll (garnishment type/number, total claim, regular claim, total retention amount for all periods, remaining claim, credit, number of maintenance beneficiaries) and garnishments not honored (garnishment type/number, total claim, regular claim, creditor name number of maintenance beneficiaries)
- History: personnel number, debtor name, garnishment type/number,
creditor name, period, claim, retention amount, remaining claim, credit, employer costs, employer retention amount, remaining employer costs
- List of periods: personnel number, debtor name, garnishment
type/number, period, creditor name, garnishment basis, garnishable amount, repayment, retention amountIndividual modification of screen display The display of the information in ALV Grid Controls enables you torestrict the fields displayed and change the sequence of the fields.These changes can be saved as a user variant or as a standard variant.If a variant is flagged as the default variant, it is usedautomatically each time the report is started.