Description With the report RPCPL2A0 you can perform various evaluations for theresults of garnishments/cessions/pledges that are valid for theselected payroll period. Note This report represents a new development that is based on the displayof dialog-controlled evaluations using screen technics. The reportRPCPL1A0 that was valid until the 4.6C release will not be developedany further and will no longer be maintained. Input If you only want information for certain garnishments/cessions/pledges,you must enter the garnishment type and the garnishment number in theselection screen. The garnishment statistic displays the status of the most currentpayroll (relative to the date entered in the selection screen.)Retroactive accounting that was run for the selected period is nottaken into account. By selecting a personnel number, garnishment, or period from the treestructure of the display screen, you receive the information hiddenbehind the tabstrip contols. The symbols in the tree for garnishments represent the following: @01@ Repaid garnishments @JL@ Garnishments in payroll that have not been repaid @AZ@ Garnishments that have not been honored Output Total statistics By selecting the garnishment statistic from the tree, you display thetotal statistic in the display area. This contains information on thegroup of the personnel numbers in the selection screen and the numberof employees with garnishments. The garnishments are divided upaccording to garnishment type and the location. The garnishment can bestored either in payroll or in master data. If the report is startedfor several personnel numbers with garnishments, the total statitisticappears first in the display area. Overview of garnishments If you select a personnel number from the tree results, the systemdisplays the overview in the display screen. The garnishment historyand the period are hidden. All garnishments for a selected personnel number are divided upaccording to garnishments in payroll and garnishments not honored andshown in the display screen. Garnishments in payroll> details are displayed for creditor,total claim, total retained amount, remaining claim, current claim,credit, garnishment status, number of dependents, and date served. When the creditor notification box has been selected, the garnishmenthas almost been repaid. You can use this indicator under the followingconditions: 1. You have specified a limit (constant 'PFGLG' in the table T511K). 2. The amount of the remaining claim has dropped below this limit. You do not receive the indicator or the message - even if conditions 1and 2 have been met - if you have made an entry in one of the followingfields for garnishment in the master data: - Monthly claim - All pay liable for garnishment - Standing support payment You can use this function to remind you to clear up an outstanding debtwith the creditor before the garnishment has been completely repaid. If the garnishment is indicated as repaid, you must set the status ofthe garnishment in the master data to "Ended on". Then you must enterthe date of the final payment. In the payroll period you can delimitthe garnishment so that it no longer appears in the evaluation. For Garnishments not honored> are entered with the followingdetails: creditor, total claim, current claim, garnishment status,number of dependents, and date served,Garnishment history Choosing a garnishment that has been honored from the tree leads to thedisplay of the garnishment history. You can scroll though the personnelnumbers in the overview; however, the payroll period is not displayed.When you choose a garnishment that has not been honored, thecorresponding personnel number is displayed in the overview. Displayed are those periods of a garnishment for which there was atransfer made or a credit retained. The output contains details aboutthe claim, retained amounts, remaining claim, credit, employer costs,retained employer costs, and employer costs for each period. In addition, the creditor name and the date the garnishment was servedare included. If available, the date of issue and the court referencenumber of the order of attachment and the name of the court responsibleare included. Period list By choosing a period from the tree, the period is listed. By scrollingallong the tabstrip control, you can go to the overview of thecorresponding personnel number or the history of the correspondinggarnishment. The output for the period chosen includes all garnishment assets,repayments, and retained amounts. For detailed information on the fields, use the F1 documentation. The print output> is for either the selected personnel numbers orfor all personnel numbers selected in the selection screen. For aSingle personnel number>, the history of the selected garnishmentor the list of the selected periods can be printed. The print outputfor Several debtors> can result from the overview, history, orlist. The overview for all personnel numbers, the history for allgarnishments, or the list for the period chosen from the selectionscreen can be printed for all garnishments. By choosing the totalstatistics, all information available on the display screen is printed.The report's print function limits the print output to the followinginformation:
- Overview: Personnel number, debtor name, division according to
garnishments in payroll (garnishment type/number, total claim, current claim, total of retained amounts from all periods, remaining claim, credit, number of dependents, and garnishments not honored (garnishment type/number, total claim, remaining claim, current claim, creditor name, number of dependents)
- History: Personnel number,debtor name, garnishment type/number,
creditor name, period, claim, retained amounts, remaining claim, credit, employer costs, retained employer costs, remaining employer costs
- List: Personnel number, debtor name, garnishment type/number,
period, creditor name, garnishment assests for garnishment groups, repayments, and retained amountsIndividual layout of display The display of information in the ALV-Grid-Controls allows you torestrict the number of fields to be displayed and to change the layoutof the fields. You can store these changes as a user-specific varianteor as a standard variant. By selecting a variant as a default variant,the information is displayed in the desired form each time you run thereport.