Description Output
The list continues with garnishment data: The remainder of the list depends on the layout that you choose.Pushbuttons enable you to select different layouts. List by order type or record date. Deduction: Repayment of the order type with a specific amount. Additional deduction (completely non-exempt): This record type resultsfrom a refund or stopped vendor payment in the infotype. Using theseadjustments, the order type is repaid with a specific additionalamount. New balance: A new initial balance is specified in the infotype for theorder type. This new balance (remaining balance) is then repaid in thesubsequent periods. Correction of balance: The initial balance is corrected in theinfotype. Refund: The refund is entered in the infotype for the order type. Themoney is returned by the vendor. Stopped vendor payment: The stopped vendor payment is entered in theinfotype for the order type. Payment to the vendor is stopped. Additional deduction (adjustment): This amount is used in addition tothe repayment amount. Service charge: The service charge is the garnishment calculation feeintended for the employer. Changes in the four amount fields depend on the record type: Amount: This field contains the repayment amount. Remaining balance: If the infotype includes an initial balance, theamount is reduced by the deduction. Otherwise, the field contains thevalue 0.00. Total to date / Year to date: This field is increased by the amount. Amount: This field contains the additional deduction amount. Remaining balance: This field is reduced by the amount if the infotypecontains an initial balance. Total to date / Year to date: This field is increased by the amount. Amount: This field is not used for a new balance and is assigned thevalue 0.00. Remaining balance: This field contains the initial balance from theinfotype. Total to date / Year to date: The value does not change. Amount: This field contains the difference between the new value of theinitial balance in the infotype and the old value. Remaining balance: The remaining balance is corrected in the amount ofthe difference. Total to date / Year to date: The value does not change. Amount: This field contains the refund amount. Remaining balance: This field is increased by the refund amount. Total to date / Year to date: This field is reduced by the refundamount. Amount: This field contains the amount of the stopped vendor payment. Remaining balance: This field is increased by the amount. Total to date / Year to date: This field is reduced by the amount. Amount: This field contains the additional deduction amount. Remaining balance: This field is reduced by the amount. Total to date / Year to date: This field is increased by the amount. Amount: This field contains the service charge amount. Remaining balance: This field is not used for the service charge amountand has the value 0.00. Total to date / Year to date: This field is increased by the amount. Transfer lists Not evaluated: The amount of the transfer was determined by the payrollrun, but not the date on which payment is effected. This date isdetermined by the evaluation run. Evaluated: The due date was determined by the evaluation run. Paymentsare then transferred to financial accounting on this date. Thetransfers are listed, separated one from the other by the due date. This status also enables you to change the due date by placing thecursor on the due date required and choosing 'Change due date'. You canthen change the date in a popup window. If one particular due date haspayments from different payroll runs, you are required to flag thepayments whose date must be changed. Furthermore, this status enables you to stop particular payments, whichmeans that the payment is not effected. It also means that money iswithheld by the payroll run but not transferred either to the employeeor to the creditor. To effect clearing, the amount in question isincluded as soon as possible in another payroll run and can then beused for other garnishments or be paid to the employee. Place thecursor on the remittance status block which contains the list ofpayments that must be stopped and choose 'Stop payments'. You are thenrequired to set a flag for the payments in question. The next possibleadjustment date is then displayed in a popup window and you arerequested to specify a wage type. This wage type enables you todetermine whether the entire amount is paid to the employee or whetherit can also be used for other garnishments. The payment is then stoppedand a stopped payment record is created in the adjustment infotype forthis garnishment. Posted to AP: Payments were transferred to financial accounting. Paid by AP: Payments were effected within financial accounting. A pushbutton enables you to change the selection period. |