Description The report RPCPGTA0 creates a list of all garnishments that willprobably be payed off with the next settlement. In this way, a list ofcreditors can be requested using the outstanding demands acc. to par2921 OA. Use The report can be started periodically either using a grouping ofemployees (for example, payroll accounting area) or it can be aimed ata personnel number. Output A list is created where all garnishments that will probably be paid offat the next settlement are listed. In addition, all garnishments thathave already been completely settled but sill have the status 'active'will be issued. For each garnishment a letter is created, which contains the demand fornotification of the remaining debt. All letters are printed in batchrun. This is also possible on line using the button 'print all forms' You can see the print preview of a letter from the list of eachgarnishment. From there individual letters can be specifically printed. Settled garnishments can be seen from the list and from theredelimited. |