Title Pensions Results Report Purpose This report produces a list of pension contributions for the relevantemployees, broken down by payroll area and pension scheme. Features The report provides the following:
- Shows pension contributions per payroll area and pension scheme
- Displays the pension contributions according to "paid in" or "paid for"
- Lists employees who have joined a pension scheme but have not made any
contributions in or for a particular pay period
- Displays the detailed data in alphabetical order (by surname) or by
employee number
- Lists any errors
Selection Using the Display list screen?> option in the initial selectionscreen, you can determine whether the detailed data is displayeddirectly or whether an overview list is displayed first. The Pension paid in periods> and Pension paid for periods>options allow you to determine whether the pension contributions aredisplayed according to the periods in which or for which they werepaid. The Order by employee number> and Order by employee name>options allow you to determine the order in which the entries aredisplayed in the detailed data screen. From the summary list screen, you can either display the detailed listfor all the data shown or only the details for selected entries (EEdetails>).Standard_variants SAP provides the following display variants (option Choose displayvariant>):